Chapter nine - Kidnapped

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- Evans POV -

I felt cold when I woke up and my head felt like it was ready to explode any second now. When I tried to pry my eyes open I was greeted by darkness because of a blindfold and although I probably wouldn't have been able to see any better if it hadn't been there I was petrified. My head felt so goddamn dizzy that my whole world was spinning upside down.

A groan escaped my lips followed by uncomfortable shifting, just to be restricted by sharp pain around my wrist. Whoever had kidnapped me chained me to a goddamn chair!

Why? What happened? What did I even do to deserve this?! Whimpering I closed my eyes again, a wave of panic overwhelmed me for a moment.

What was going to happen to me now? Where was I even? A few more minutes went by before I finally managed to calm down enough to think about the recent situation rationally.

I had no clue how much time had passed since I had been kidnapped - which was undoubtly what happened.

At this point I could remember the hit on my head although I hadn't seen the one who did it. I had been out cold for some time so at least an hour must have gone by since I left my house.

But would Sereshyn even notice the time? Would he be worried or just think I took longer? A frown formed on my face. It would most likely be the latter.

Mason didn't know I was on my way to him so there wouldn't come any help from him either. That is if he even cared after all. The cynical side of me threw in-between. He did say he still loved me but he had cheated on me once. How could I possibly believe him now?

If no one was to come for me that meant I would have to get me out of here myself. Well, not entirely myself. Evan to brain; Evan to brain. Any idea? I really tried to stay logical but being blindfolded didn't really add to calming me down.

Luckily my brain decided just in that instant to butt in. -First of all try loosening the ties around your wrists, we can think about anything else later on.- And so I did. I struggled to free myself even trough whatever I was tied with cut deep into my skin.

Hours seemed to go by which in truth were mere minutes while I could feel blood seep to my fingers and still tried to somehow escape the ties, until a sudden noise let me freeze in horror.

My heart leapt in my throat and the blood rushed through my ears making it difficult to either breath nor hear. The shuffling sound of feet got louder and the light hit me through the cloth that covered my eyes.

"Well, what do we have here? Such a naughty boy, trying to free himself. But we can't have that now, can we?"

I had heard that voice only once, but I would never be able to forget it and even before the girl removed the blindfold I knew whom I was going to see.

And when my eyes fell on the face of the girl Mason had cheated with on me, my blood ran cold and at the same time I thought I would throw up. I suddenly felt incredibly ill.

I didn't want to see her face, to hear her voice. Hadn't she hurt me enough already? What did she still want from me?! I intended to ask her exactly that when she struck me across the face. Hard. My head snapped to the side and tears stated to well in my eyes.

But I refused to let them fall. I was a man for goddamns sake! I wouldn't start crying over a bitch-slap, certainly not in front of this girl! I was just about to throw something at her face she wouldn't have liked when a ringing sound filled me with new hope.

My mobile! The tone signaled that it was still in the pocket of my pants! Why hadn't I noticed sooner? Now she had heard it too.

"Well, Well, who could it be?" She grabbed into my pocket roughly and clapped my phone open. Whoever had called - it couldn't be Sereshyn, he didn't know how to use a phone, did he? - she certainly didn't like it, yet she still answered.

"Mason." Mason? Why the hell would he call me? But he had called my phone so he would notice something was wrong when she answered, wouldn't he? I could just pray he did.

"Have you already forgotten my voice?" She drawled and let me remember just why the hell I was gay all over again. I couldn't hear whatever Mason answered even through I tried to but by the looks of it something about me.

Her face just got a hundred times uglier with jealousy. As if she had read my mind she turned toward me unexpectedly. I just looked at her in confusion when it hit me. Literally. She had kicked me in the stomach and I wasn't able to supress a strangled groan. Fuck, is that bitch a karate-chick, or what?!

"I'm punishing him of course. He got in-between of our love, honey."

I mentally cringed, that simple nickname hurt even worse than that kick. I mean, I didn't love Mason anymore. But I did once and that's bad enough because I can still remember how bad it hurt that time.

Next her eyes lit up, whatever Mason said, it pleased her and I really wondered whether I still wanted to know what he was saying. Whatever he said if she liked it I certainly didn't want to hear it.

I drifted off a bit thinking about what he could have said and regret it immediately when a sharp pain brought me back to reality.

The crazy woman had grabbed my hair and pulled at it until I couldn't help the whimpering sounds I gave off. I no longer cared what she thought, it hurt and I was suddenly sure more was to follow when she answered into the phone happily.

"Why not, babe, I think you know where I am."

Those words let me listen up. Did that mean Mason was coming? But if he were then why would she let him? Or did he really lie to me again and was still together with this bitch? My eyes widened when I thought about a whole different story.

If he didn't mean to help me, did that mean he was going to hurt me too? I could barely stand the kicking and slapping of this girl, how was I supposed to stand Mason beating me up?! I whimpered again when she pulled my head far enough back that my neck made a cracking sound.

She laughed when she heard it and I couldn't even fight her off when she placed one of her suddenly deadly looking heels at my groin. Just the thought about what she could do to me there made me wince and I finally found the will to struggle.

I wasn't gonna sit here when she makes me impotent! With a sudden lurch the chair lost balance and both of us tumbled to the ground.

Stars began to dance in front of my eyes when the chair plus her and my own weight landed on my arm and a little scream escaped my mouth. She looked a bit caught off guard, but grinned evilly as a response to my cry.

"S-See what happens if you try to struggle? Just be a good little boy and wait until my boyfriend gets here!" She quickly rose to her feet and straightened her clothes.

"Just you wait, Mason is going to come and beat the shit out of you!"

I wanted to tell her that she was the one who would get beaten up. But after all that happened I wasn't sure anymore. Maybe he really was her boyfriend. Still, I mean. Just maybe he wasn't coming to my rescue. And just a little tiny maybe told me, that I didn't even want him to come.

So I just gave in to whichever fate was going to await me and stopped trying to defeat her. I would know what was going to happen when Mason came. The only thing I really dreaded was the thought of never being able to see Sey again, anyway.

Falling from Cliffs and the Mermans Joyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें