Chapter six - Living Together

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I stopped in front of the house and stepped out of the car, hurrying around to open the car door for Sey, before I skipped over to the house door happily. After searching for the right key for a second, I kicked the door open and turned around to a very interested looking Sey.

"Welcome to my house, Sey."

I sighed overly dramatic and before he could say anything locked the car and ran into the living room, instantly hopping on the couch. I heard quick steps following me and bent my neck to see Sey upside down in the doorframe. He smiled warmly when he spotted me on the couch. Coming over to me he placed one hand on each side of my head and bend down slightly.

"So this is where you live?" I nodded eagerly.

"I will show you my room later. First we should go shopping, I'm starving."

I stood up and strolled into the kitchen, getting some money out of one of my little 'reserves'. Since I had lived alone in the house I had dozen of places where I kept some money.

Like that I was never running out, just like a smart little Squirrel. Confused I wandered back to the living room. Had I just compared myself to a squirrel? Oh, well, never mind. Squirrels were cute. I looked up, just to see Sey standing in the room looking a bit lost.

"You tagging along? But I will take my car again." I heard him sigh a bit but he nodded at least. I smiled happy not to have to go alone.

"Well, we have to get you a shirt first."

I heard him trail behind as I walked into the basement, where I kept most of the things of my parents. Also some clothes I couldn't make my mind up to throw away. I quickly saw them through and finally found a shirt which wasn't too old-fashioned.

Hoping it would fit I tossed it at him and watched as he caught it effortlessly and put it on. And how it fitted! The Tee clung tight to his broad chest exposing most of his muscles. Not that it was the first time I noticed this, but damn was this guy hot! -He certainly is, still you should probably stop staring at him or you will start drooling.- My brain was really kind today, reminding me of such things. I quickly tore my gaze away and walked past him to the stairs.

"Just wait in the hallway for me, I will be back in a second."

Quickly running to my room I changed into the first outfit I could find and sighed in relief when I finished. Jeans sure were rough when one didn't wear underwear. When I walked back over I noticed Sey looking out of the back window at the sea, that laid only a few meters away from my house, with a strange look on his face.

"Do you miss the sea?" I asked a bit nervous at his answer. He turned toward me and smiled one of his warm little smiles I already grew to love.

- Sereshyn's POV -

My head snapped around when I heard Evans voice. I couldn't help but smile as I saw an anxious expression lingering on his face. Did he really think I would leave him already? Too bad I wasn't planning to. At least not as long as he wanted me to stay. And he obviously did. Even if he wouldn't confess it anytime soon.

"I'm just glad to see that the water isn't too far away."

I honestly didn't miss my home much, I had planned to escape my parents and their so called duties anyway. So I'm simply glad I met my cute little boy and I could never regret saving him. Now I finally took in what he was wearing and noticed that he had changed. He wore a tight grey pant and a just as tight black top.

It really suited him. Right now he didn't look cute at all, not even adorable, he simply looked sexy as hell. I so much wanted to devour him on the spot. I could just carry him over to the couch, strip that nice tight top off of him and kiss him deeply, before going down to his pants. Softly teasing the bulge in his pants and finally pulling down what he called a zipper...

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