Just Friends

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The students here are given an education better than any private school and are trained just as strictly as military students. In my three years here, I've been on countless missions, got an amazing education, traveled to places I would have only dreamed of going to, and managed to maintain friendships and relationships equivalent to most high school students.

Today it's fairly quiet. Lately, I haven't been on as many missions as I usually am and have had lots and lots of idle time. I made the executive descision to sleep in today. Not bothering to get up until 1pm isn't something I do very often. My roommate and best friend, Viper is MIA, which is unusual as she is normally here during the morning and early afternoon.

Our room is modest, standard issue, white walls, two beds (mine with a red comforter and hers with a violet comforter), two brown wooden dressers with a white television stand in the middle. Our T.V. was rather small, only a 21inch. You could easily tell whose side was whose. My side was cluttered with dirty clothes, trash, blankets, you name it and Viper's was spotless, not a thing was out of place, ever. Honestly, I'm pretty sure that girl has a mild form of OCD.

We were lucky enough to have one of the few rooms with its own bathroom and shower. And Lord knows that, that place is a mess. There's make up and clothes and random toilettries everywhere. And for whatever reason, Vie doesn't care that it's a mess. In fact most of the makeup and crap is her's! But it's fine, I mean we could be like many of the unfortunate residents here and have to share one bathroom with 10 other girls.

Due to the Institution being housed under an abandoned firehouse in downtown Los Angeles, there are absolutely no windows, anywhere. And I am beyond grateful that I'm not claustrophobic, or I'd probably hate it. I suppose after a while one gets used to the lack of windows.

I lay on my bed, mindlessly staring at the television. Step Up was on and to be honest Channing Tatum is hot, therefore I will sit through the terrible plot line and two-bit characters, simply to see Channing dance. Actually I'd sit through it just to see Channing do nothing. Am I a fangirl? You could say that. Am I obsessed? No.... Okay maybe a little bit. But he's gorgeous.

A knock sounded at my door, interrupting the final dance scene. I grabbed the remote and pressed pause, slowly rolling onto my side to face the door. The doors to each room pretty much looked like something out of a bad Sci-Fi movie.They vaguely reminded me of the doors in the Teen Titans cartoon. Looking like jagged steel puzzle pieces, they open and close at the push of a button. That button is located on the right side of the door on both sides of the wall. Although on the wall inside the room, there was also a lock/unlock button next to the open button.

"Come in!" I yelled without getting up or moving from my spot on the bed.

The mechanical doors slid open and Chris Montez walked in. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. His dark brown hair was plastered to his forehead and his emerald green eyes and long black eyelashes has dots of water on them. A white v-neck hugged his tone, muscular frame and a pair of blue Levi's hung loosely on his waist.

"Good morning, Rae," He gave me a charming smile, exposing his perfectly white teeth.

I smiled back, "It's actually almost 1:30 in the afternoon."

"Oh is it?" He put both his hands behind his head and feigned being confused.

"Yep," I sat up and self consciously realized that I was still in the black racerback tank top and grey spandex that I fell asleep in the night before.

He smirked, "So tell me then Princess, why exactly have you been asleep all morning?"

I looked at him and raised my right eyebrow, "I was not asleep all day." He looked at me and laughed. "What do you want anyways"

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