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          After the man left, I looked down at my arm. "How am I supposed to hide this from everyone?" I thought. The blood started to run down my arm and drop into the floor. "God if they see this I'll be in so much trouble." I needed to think of something, fast. I ran to the bathroom and got a whole bunch of toilet paper and wrapped it around the wound then hid it under my sleeve. If they saw it, I would just tell them I cut myself on the corner of a table, yeah, that'll work. "I hope it doesn't get any worse than it is." I whispered to myself. I would keep my arms crossed so that I could put pressure on it with out looking suspicious.

          When I walked back into the waiting room, there was a doctor there explaining to the members what had happen to V. They all turned around, including the doctor, to look at me. Their eyes followed me to my seat. "We're have you been?" The doctor asked. "A man pulled me out of the room so he could talk to me." I replied casually. "And what did this man want to talk to you about?" The doctor asked slowly. "He was talking to me because he was a fan of Bts and was worried about V. He wanted to know if he was ok or not. I told him that we didn't know." I never thought I would be so good at lying. They all bought it, all of them. It was such a clear lie.

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