I care

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The door squeaked open and a man in all black stepped in. "May I speak to Jeon Jungkook?" Everyone looked straight at me. I stood up hesitantly and walked to the door. The odd man held the door open for me then shut it behind us. I turned around to face him but he grabbed both of my shoulders and pinned me to the wall. He pulled out a gun and stuck it against my temple."if you say anything,I'll shoot you. If you resist,I'll shoot you." He said in a harsh whisper. I nodded. He released his grip on my shoulders. "Are you wondering why I'm here?" He asked. I nodded."are you wondering why your here?" I nodded again. "You may speak if I ask you a question." He said annoyed. He repeated his questions.

"Your here because Suga attached you and V. Your here because Suga hurt V. Your here because of Suga." He was trying to get into my head, he was trying to make me hate Suga, but it was true, he just made it sound worse than it really was. "If I hear that you told ANYONE, I'll shoot everyone you care about and leave you to suffer." He threatened. Everyone I care...V! No, it that why he's here? Not V, no, no ,no. I need to get to V, I need to protect him. "Any questions?" He asked. "Yes, where you the one who made Suga attack us?" I remember Suga saying he had to do it. "That's something you'll have to find out on your own. But for now..." He pulled out a knife, "keep this on you." He rolled up my sleeve and started cutting me. I stomped my foot and closed my eyes. It hurt so much. When he was done, I looked down. He had carved something on my arm. It was a sentence, "careful, you'll hurt yourself."

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