Chapter 4: I Have a Date with Harry Styles?

Start from the beginning

We pull into the huge parking lot, pay for parking and hop out of the car once Kat had managed to wiggle her car in between a huge black Escalade and a Suburban. We walk up to the ticket line and buy our tickets and enter the fair. It is so huge this year and it is space themed,cool right? Anyways Grace gets a text from Niall right away that tells us to meet them by the Ferris Wheel in ten minutes. The three of us make a bee line to the ride and wait by the ferris wheel for the boys. Suddenly I hear a squeal and I turn around to see Niall grabbing Grace's waist and Liam chatting up with Kat. I wonder where Harry is, until I feel myself being picked up by a pair of strong arms. I let out a shrill squeal and beg him to put me down. I turn around and hug him hello. When I turn around the other four had gone off somewhere and it was just me and Harry. Great, just great.

He asks me what I want to do and I tell him rides, but the look on his face is priceless. I can tell he isnt much of a ride person, so I turn around and whisper in his ear

"Dont worry ill protect you" Mocking him from when we watched the scary movie. He laughs at me and we get in line for tickets. After one ride, and Harry not seeming like he is having much fun I propose an idea.



"Do you wanna go to the kiddie section so we can do rides that you can tolerate?" I ask him with a smirk. He blushes and nods. We make our way to Kiddieland and go on little iddy bitty rides. We eventually get kicked out for being to old and I ask him if he wants to get a wax hand. Him being confused I drag him over to the wax hand booth and show him what they are. He immediately wants one and I decide that we should get one of us holding hands,just to be sappy. After it is done and in its little case I have run out of ideas to do, until my tummy grumbles. Laughing Harry asks

"Is someone hungry or did I just hear an earthquake?" I slap his arm playfully and we head to the food vendors. I can say that so far I have had a really nice day today at the fair and I dont want it to end. We end up getting corn dogs and splitting a churro. As it is getting dark I ask him if he'd like to go on the ferris wheel with me and he agrees. We wait in line and he takes my hand to help me into the carriage but, doesnt let go once we are settled inside. I cant help but love the feeling of his hand engulfing mine, literally his hands are huge. I can feel the sparks shooting up my arm and I hope he can feel them too.

{Harry's POV}

This day has literally been amazingly fantastic. I can't help but stare at her beautiful face and her amazing outfit. She looks like she barely thought about looking pretty today but, looks absolutley gorgeous in my eyes.  I also love the fact that she has not screamed at my face or run me down for a piece of my hair, she likes me for me, not the pop star. As I help her into the car of the ferris wheel I decide not to let her hand go so that I can feel her hand in mine for a longer. I feel a tingling sensation in my fingers and I love the warmth her hand gives off. This moment is just perfect and to make it better she scoots closer to me and puts her head on my shoulder. I wonder what changed, two days ago she immediatley removed her head from my shoulder when she accidentaly placed it there after the movie. Maybe she had a change of heart and is starting to like me...I hope so she is trully wonderful and I think I am falling for her and falling fast.

{Alice's POV}

As we reach the top of the ferris wheel the view is spectacular with a picturesque sunset over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. A slight breeze blows by the wheel and I shiver silently cursing at myself for wearing so little clothing. All of a sudden a warm jacket is being placed over me as Harry gives me his warm hoodie. I wrap it around myself willingly and thank him. It smelled like him, like mint and vanilla, and I cant get enough. I just want to snuggle closer to him and never leave. As the ferris wheel rounds back to the bottom he places his small on the small of my back, once again causing sparks to shoot up my spine, and we exit the car. I sigh and wish this day would go on forever, I have had just the greatest time with Harry.

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