Chapter 12: Are We Getting Back Togethor?

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After talking to Harry about where he wanted to go today, on our tour of Seattle, we decided to go to Pikes Market, The Experience Music Project, and the Space Needle. Happy that I get to spend the day with Harry, I head into the room that Harry is letting me stay in. I decide that I want to look somewhat decent for the day so I put some effort into my outfit today. Looking through my suitcase some mint material catches my eye. I pull out what looks to be my mint shorts and look for a shirt to match. I find a flowy white top and a necklace to match  my shorts. After I am dressed I slip on a pair of white toms and head into the bathroom. I take out my travel makeup kit and start to apply light makeup. Finishing up with some mascara I start on my hair. By the time I am finished, I have slightly wavy hair and natural makeup. I head into the main room and collect my things for the day and my Cannon T3i that I had bought for myself last month. I have recently discovered the art of photography and I love it to death. Kat tells me that I should start selling some of my prints but, there is no way that anyone would want them. I mean I am no where near close to being professional. Maybe I can post a few on the internet to see a reaction.

While I am putting things into my purse a knock resonates into the room.

"Come in." I yell to the person on the other side. Thinking that it's Harry asking me if I am ready to go, I don't turn around.

"Hey Alice? Can I talk to you for a second?" Suprised to hear Louis' voice, I turn around.

"Yeah sure Lou what do you need?"

"Well I just wanted to ask you a few questions." I nod and tell him to proceed.

"Okay so I am going to be blunt with you...Do you like Harry more than a friend because if you do I think that you need to make a move. He has not stopped liking you and has told me how he is certain that you don't like him that way anymore because of what happened. If you don't do anything all of use are just going to have to sit and listen to both of you complain." Louis tells me.

"Well...I obviously have liked Harry in the past and still like him a lot but, as of right now I don't think that I can handle a relationship. Especially not with a world famous pop star." Louis' face fell and he tells me that he understands.

"I hope you two have fun today!" With that Louis walks out of the room, leaving me to my own thoughts. Why did I lie to Louis? I have clearly not gotten over Harry? Maybe I just needed someone to clear up the fact that Harry likes me back? Distraught and confused I open the door and make my way downstairs. Harry is in the living room sitting in the single chair and scrolling through his phone. He is looking down at the screen completely unaware of my prescence. Biting his lip, he continues to glare at the object in his hand and I can't help but to admire the way his teeth bite his lower lip. I cough and he jumps about ten feet in the air.

"Are you ready to head off?" I ask him. He is weraing some dark wash chinos and a striped shirt. That's when I realize that he had to wear Louis' clothes because his are in the room that I have been using.

"Oh my god Harry!!! Why don't you head into my room and grab your suitcase so you can change into something of yours." I tell him giggling to myself. Louis is the only one who can pull off stripes. After about two minutes he emerges from the hallway wearing tight black skinny jeans and a loose white top. As he walks you can see his tatttoos through his shirt and I realize that I am staring. Damn he looks so hot. Thinking this way makes me wonder why I did lie to Harry, I need him. I want Harry.

{Harry's POV}

After changing into something more my style I walk into the living room to see Alice literally staring at me. I walk past her and grab my Ray bans off of the glass table and head towards the front door. Turning around to see if Alice is behind me all I see is her standing in the exact same spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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