
Niha shot up from her covers for the hundredth time it seemed in the last few nights, her forehead beaded with sweat. The nightmares were not going to take rest, not until she found peace of mind. She sighed and pressed trembling fingers to her temples, massaging them, trying to calm her racing heart. The nightmares were always a mess of things, things that she couldn't even remember when she woke up, except for that one figure that wandered them everywhere with his beautiful green eyes, his worried expression that had come to haunt her.


She wished he'd never walked into her life, never made such an impact on her. She hadn't thought it was possible to fall in love with someone like that. Because, that's what it was wasn't it? Love? What a curse. She could hardly escape its grasps, couldn't get rid of the feeling that she ought to have listened to what he had to say...perhaps it could have been a big joke...but how? The fact was branded on his very wrist, in his skin, he was totally and utterly a part of Cedochi- the most feared gang of all of New Forest. Hell, all of America probably.
Niha shook her head absentmindedly and ran her fingers through her hair, soothing the strands out. She decided to go downstairs and get herself something to eat or drink, after all, sleep would not be so easy to come by now. The clock read one-thirty am, which was an annoying time to wake up. She was exhausted from studying for her Biology test which was in the morning, and now she couldn't even rest.

Pulling on her gown she quietly made her way downstairs to the kitchen, and was surprised to find the light already on.

"Niha? Beta what are you doing awake at this hour?" Her father, Doctor Taufeeq asked in concern. He was in the process of making tea probably for himself and had thought not to bother her mom with it. Niha smiled tiredly, "couldn't sleep"
"Are you feeling okay?" he pressed the back of his fingers on her forehead, checking her temperature. She shrugged him off with a laugh, "Relax abu I'm fine really!"
He gazed at her thoughtfully, his kind brown eyes seeming to read right into her soul. She gave herself an excuse as to not make eye contact by busying herself with her own hot chocolate she'd decided to make.
"Niha, if there's anything you know you can tell us" Doctor Taufeeq said kindly, "I've been noticing this kind of...quietness around you lately. I don't like seeing my angel sad"
"It's really nothing Abu" she replied quietly, "Just school stress and everything. But what about you? Whatcha doin huh?" she joked, punching his arm playfully. He smiled tiredly.
"Got a call from Yassin, he's coming here" he replied, and she almost dropped the mug she was holding.

He looked slightly taken aback by her scandalized expression but answered nevertheless, "Yes, he didn't tell me what it was except that 'it's urgent'"
"He- he didn't- ugh" Niha shook her head, trying to suppress that annoying excitement that stirred in her stomach. I hate him, remember? She reminded her elated mind. Before she could make up her mind about whether to stay or to go back to her room and avoid Yassin, the doorbell rang and her father disappeared to answer it.

The door opened.

Her heart beat very fast, and suddenly she was glued to the spot, unable to move as she heard the two exchange greetings.
"Follow me beta" Doctor Taufeeq's voice floated down the hallway and footsteps came closer and closer to the kitchen.
What are you doing? Come on! Her conscience screamed. She just managed to pull the hood of her gown over her head before her father walked through the door and he followed.
For a moment their eyes locked, and so much traveled between their gazes. Yassin looked, if possible, even more striking then he already did, dressed in a simple white half sleeved shirt and canterbury trackpants with white socks. His hair was carefully dishevelled, as if he'd trying to smooth it out before coming in but failed. His green eyes looked dark and serious, but softened infinitely when they caught her own, hiding nothing. It was so easy to forget then that these same eyes were that of a gang member, of someone who had ruined many lives, who lived in haram.
Why do you do this to me? she wanted to scream, and was sure her own gaze conveyed as much. Her father's eyes flickered between them for a few moments before he cleared his throat and she looked over to him, flushing slightly, yet Yassin never looked away from her face.
"Niha, I think you should go up to your-"
"No, sir-" Yassin broke in, slighly desperately, "I think it's very important that Niha comes"
"Why is that?" Doctor Taufeeq raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Yassin hesitated a moment before saying carefully, "Its about Laila"

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