"We'll take on the world..'' pt 2

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A/n I didn't get my 2 votes like I wanted but this awesome person wanted me update djcool23 so I did thank me later .... Haha I'm just kidding ..... Happy thanksgiving 🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗

Previous on In For The Long Ride,
I opened my door to see a familiar blonde indeed . Rydel in the flesh. " it's about time you begin to talk to us . Us? What? Get ready to take on the world. Oh boy...........................................



Rydel, there is nothing to talk about. Oh yes there is . She said. Rydel I thought we had an understanding ?
We do ,well we did until how should I put this Ross. You didn't even call us back when you knew he needed you. You are selfish Rydel screamed at me . Ow that hurt got shame from my own friend. Do you wanna know why I did not call? Because I couldn't I was having panic attack so don't you even dare accuse that I didn't say or do anything . I know what I have done to Ross . And I hate my self ever since I've been here. So I suggest you leave. I got my just reward for this I don't want to feel anymore . After all karma is a bitch. I close the door thinking she would leave but no there is always another page to turn . She peeked her head through the door . Then said said , then prepare yourself to feel again. You've changed both of you have. The door open wider there he stood , blood shot eyes looks a bit woozy . Ross. I shiver at his presence.
Page break

Ross' pov ( haha see what I did there)

Rydel stepped into Laura's dorm room
What I'm I even doing here ?
Its not likely for her to run back into my arms. You , Ross Lynch have watched to much romance movies. I heard screaming from the outside Laura pushed Del out soon after. What happened? I asked . She sighed. You are going to have to go there. Dang I was just about to secretly leave but no that plan is out the window. I take deep breath stepping into her dorm room. Oh great it smells just like her... My glance meets her eyes . Those deep brown chocolate eyes . That's it this officially insanity . I gulp. Hey - uh Laura. Smooth... Real smooth Ross . Ross she says with a some type of shocked face. We stare. We stare. I'm like half drunk right know but her eyes just make me melt. A cough from Laura breaks the silence. What are you doing here Ross? Well I came here for a explanation . About What Ross? There is nothing absolutely nothing to explain. She huffs. Nothing at all ? She stutters I got her right where I want her . I- I suggest you two leave she says pointing to Del and I . Slowly nod my head with a no. She huffs again . Now!!!! She yells. Nope I say popping the p . I give Rydel a look and she goes out of the Dorm room. Laura smirks thinking we are going to leave . I don't so.... I run and I pick her up pushing her against the wall. No more mister nice guy. Rydel was right I did change . I'm about to take over her world just like she did mine...

And finshed if your confused everything will clear up in the next chapter...... 😈 vote comment share and follow buh bye baes🙅🍗

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