Chapter ninteen

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Pic of Skyler and Tyler.

Tyler's PoV

"Alpha Jace says to scoop him into my arms, do you think he will let me touch him?" Marco asks me. I don't understand anything that's happening right now, one minute we were having fun eating lunch, the next we are being linked by Marco that we need to get back to the pack house because rouges are attacking. We went straight to meet him at the bathroom and find Skyler screaming as if he'd seen a ghost or something.

He's been crying, whimpering and shaking ever since and nothing can stop him, I've tried everything so in the end I had Marco interrupt Jace at the fight to tell him. I know we shouldn't have but I didn't know what else to do. I only hope Jace gets to us quickly, sky is in a bad condition. "Sky can Marco carry you, he's going to bring us to our mate" at the mention of Jace his head flies up and he jumps at Marco. I can see him clinging onto him and nodding yes over and over. He really needs Jace.

We leave and begin the walk back it's not far but it feels like miles because of our worry over sky. "I just walked out behind him and he froze, it was unreal he literally wouldn't move, I watched him and traced his eye line but there was nothing there just people walking about doing their shopping. I can't figure out what happened, I was with him the whole time" poor Luka is beating himself up over this but it's not his fault, nobody but my brother knows what happened and I think nobody but my mate is going to get it out of him.

"Stop, Luka it had nothing to do with you. You protected him we all know it, nothing or nobody got near him but he definitely saw something that did this to him. How could you have done anything about that" Tim reassures him. Lucas is silently holding his hand giving him his own form or support. We don't come across the fight thankfully but once we reach the house I realise we didn't meet Jace along the way like he said we would.

It's not five minutes later that the others return and I'm waiting to see Jace come through the door, thinking he got caught up in the fight. "Where's Jace" Dante questions and I start to panic slightly "what do you mean where's Jace, he didn't meet us, I thought he got caught up in the fight. Where is he!" They look at each other with fear in their eyes. "He left to meet you, I tried to link him to tell him to make sure he took either an alpha or some warriors with him but he cut the link. I was stuck fighting three rouges so I couldn't go, we were all caught up" Damon says with regret in his voice.

"YOU FUCKING WHAT!" Sky screams suddenly, startling us all. "No, no, no, Ty, oh my god Ty, he has him, he has our mate. How could you all let this happen. We need to go, we need to find him, TY! Are you listening to me he fucking has him-" he stops abruptly when Lucas shocks us all by smacking him in the face. "Calm the fuck down, now! I'm sorry I had to do that but rambling and blaming people won't help. Now tell us who you think has him so we can help him" he says hugging sky who's resumed his crying.

He stops sobbing and is merely hiccuping as he tells us "I saw him, at the shopping centre, I saw Dimitri alpha peters son-" "what, no, please tell me that's not true, he's locked up sky" I say. He can't be back, he was my biggest tormentor and now he has my mate, Artemis is snarling and roaring to go rip his head off. I feel arms go around my midsection and I realise I was trying to take off to do just that "no, your not leaving, I was sent to protect you and I will even if it's from yourself, calm down and feel through our linking that I will do anything to get him back for you" Nick says in my ear. Artemis reaches out to the link and calms down 'Rockford is wolf, old allies, trust him to help' he tells me through our own link. I relax.

"Ok so we need a plan, I don't know how he got out but it's obvious that he did so tell us of anything you guys will think helps" Dante says. We tell them where the pack lands are and about any houses they ever brought us to. We give them any information we can think of. "One last question if you don't mind Luna" Marco asks. "Go ahead" "why is he doing this?" "He wants me" Skyler whispers but we hear him.

"Why would you say that sky" Luka speaks for the first time. Sky takes a deep breath and says "he told me he would, the last time he um.. " "it's ok we know" Luka says coming to hug him from behind, now he's sandwiched between our cousins. "He told me that death would be the only way to stop him from claiming me his 'pet' as he liked to call me. He say he would find a way and kill whoever he had to to get me to be his. He told me I would eventually love him like he loves me but I hate him so much and now.. he has.. Jace" and with that the tears are back.

It's unnerving to see him like this after we've come so far but I'm not going to fall apart, no, I'm going to get my mate back and kill that fucker.

A Strong Alpha for Twin Omegas- Book three of the twins series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now