Chapter five

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Pic of Jace.

Jace's PoV

I am happily sleeping with Sky when I feel my head pounding, I know it's someone trying to get through to my link and I know it must be important with the force they are using. 'What's going on?' I ask. Then I hear Brandon 'alpha, its the Luna twenty or so rouges are trying to take him, we're fighting-' 'ON THE WAY' 'Marco gather the pack members rouges are trying to take the Luna at the twins house' I don't wait for an answer.

"What's happening?" I hear a timid Sky ask, I'm hit with the decision of whether to tell him or not. Deciding that not being honest is the worst way to start our relationship I say "I need to go right now rouges are after our mate" he jumps up and shouts "What!" I go to him and hug his shaking form as I link Lucas to get here, not one minute later the twins are rushing into the room. "I need to save him but need to leave-" "go, go quickly" he tells me knowing what I need to do.

I shift and run at my fastest, I know those I brought from my pack, Damon, Dante and their betas and warriors are behind me as I run. It doesn't take long and when I get to the room and smell my mates blood I feel bloodlust take over, I let out a massive roar and begin ripping through each and every rouge in the room not pausing or stopping until I have only one mangy bastards left. I bite off the hand that has the silver ring on it and tear a lump from his leg, it's deep enough to have him limping if he was going to survive.We all know he's not.

I know that this fucker hurt my mate, I see it on the ring and I smell it off the silver bat he was holding moments ago? I know the others will take him in for questioning. I shift back and tell his whimpering wolf form "you've messed with the wrong alphas mate". Now I know why Dante and Damon had to be restrained multiple times when they had Greg and Peter locked up, even though their mates were never told this. If only I knew who Peter was to my mates, if only I had come to the pack lands during that period I would have helped them get to the two sick fucks and nobody would have stopped us.

I rush to Tyler and see he's in the arms of another, who in my opinion wants to die tonight, "hand him over. Now!" He's shaking but he looks undecided, I'll help him decide so, I extend my claws and draw back. "NO!" I hear Marco, he's just entered the room because he was fighting the rouges outside. He jumps in front of this wolf holding what's mine "how dare you Marco?" I question. "I'm sorry but he's mine, he's my mate I can't let you hurt him alpha" he says within his head held high but neck on show. This tells me he means no disrespect but is not backing down either. It's a great display of love for his mate and loyalty to his alpha at the same time and he earns the respect of everyone in the room from it.

"It's ok, you can relax brother, please get your mate under control though. Next time even you won't save him" I look at his mate "I will soon be your alpha, do not disrespect me like that again. That being said thank you for taking care of him but I've got it now. I won't hurt him" I see how protective of Tyler he is so I'm presuming he's the wolf I was told about last night who lost his brother. I'll leave him away with it this time only, I'm grateful that he wants to help him but it's my job alone.

I take Tyler slowly and link Skyler 'on the way back tiny mate, I have him he is hurt but he will be ok meet me at the infirmary' 'OK' he links back. I rush him there in human form and the doc, Skyler and the twins are waiting for us. He examines the cut on his cheek and then the bump on his head. "He will heal in about a week, they used silver on him" the doc tells us an hour later when he comes out of the room we were forced out of. I knew that already and I'm glad I burned my tongue from it when I was biting that fuckers hand off. "Same with his head, he should wake soon. I had given him medication for our kind so he would sleep for a bit but it'll wear off soon enough. I'll be back to check on him".

The second he leaves Skyler rushes to his brother and we follow,  "I'm so sorry, your hurt again and I wasn't able to do anything. I'm such a stupid weak brother. How many times do I need to see you like this it's not fair, why does the moon goddess hate us? What did we ever do? Nothing but take abuse and pain and I can't even complain because of  how much worse you've had it. Your the best brother ever and if I listened to you or just did as you asked this wouldn't have happened. Your hurt again and it's my fault" he cries and I can't take it. I'm afraid he blames me for this mess so I turn to leave.

"Jace if you walk out on us now don't come back. I might blame myself but not you, you know nothing about what we went through and the bond we share because of it. I know how he panics and his reactions to it, that's why I blame myself. If I just went with him and calmed him down things could have been different so I tell you now, leave us and it's the end of your chance with us" I look at Luka I'm frozen he makes a face and he mouths 'move stupid, go to him!'.

I don't waste a moment and I turn back and scoop him into my arms, "I'm sorry, I thought you would blame me and wouldn't want me after this happened. I'll never leave you or him, even if you do reject me" I promise him and my unconscious mate. "Never happening" I hear a crokey voice and look to see Tyler smiling up at us from the bed, thank the goddess.

A Strong Alpha for Twin Omegas- Book three of the twins series boyxboyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang