Chapter seventeen

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Skylers PoV

Bang, bang, bang. "What the actual fuck, who's banging the door down?" Ty says. "I don't know but they should know better than this" growls Jace. It's known that you leave an alpha and his mate/s alone after they complete the mating ritual. "Calm down big man, I'll go see" I say. "No you fucking won't, I'll get it" he says while getting up and giving us a delicious view of his sexy body. "You better calm down Sky or I'm going to ignore that dickhead at the door and fuck you seven ways from Sunday" now that's an offer I wasn't going to refuse. "Open this door, Skyler calm down you horny beast" I hear my fool of a cousin Luka laughing outside our door. "Should've known it was them" Jace grumbles under his breath as he puts on pants.

He goes to the door but blocks their view of us "what!" He barks. "Ooh, grouchy this morning, shouldn't you be, I don't know, happy, refreshed, relaxed, hum? Now tell your mates we are going shopping, nope do not even think about saying no, we're going. Nick, Rhys, and Marco are all coming with us so chill" I hear Lucas sass. "Grr, I'll ask them do they want to go-" "nope big man they're coming it's a bottoms day out, we need breathing room from you lot" I burst out laughing. "Bottoms day out?" I laugh to Tyler who looks just as amused as I am. Jace growls a "fine" at them and closes the door in their faces.

I slowly pull back the covers exposing myself to him. His mood changes in an instant, "oh your asking for it tiny mate and precious, don't think I can't smell your arousal too, get ready boys I'm coming back to bed!". Let's just say, our cousins had to knock a couple of times more before we joined them fully showered, fed and ready for shopping. "Took you long enough, pack of horny beasts. I'm looking at you Sky, I know the signs" Luka laughs while winking and pointing at Lucas. "Hey!" He whines at his twin.

"Jace we "tops" as Lucas calls us are going on a hunt, you in?" Rory questions him."No" he responds. Ty walks over to him "go, you need it and so does your wolf. We have strong wolves with us we're fine for a couple of hours. Please relax" "how do you feel today though?" and I know he's referring to his emotional state after the mating. "Perfect, I told you I would. I feel no fear and I can feel Artemis, he is strong and he's soothing my hurt, now, come on ye bottoms we have shopping to do!" He exclaims the last part in a fake accent.

The boys leave but each one of us are taken into our mates arms and given strict rules and instructions first. All except for Nick because he has Marco with him and technically he's there to protect us too. "Jeez, I thought they'd never leave" Tim says. "I know having that many cavemen together is scary, sexy, but still scary" laughs Lucas. We head out and go to the local shopping centre, if we weren't in the pack territory we would look weird, five smaller males with four huge men surrounding us but we don't care. We go into many shops and are having a great time, we bitch and gossip about our men one minute and then boast and gush about them the next, amusing one another.

"Guys lets get lunch, I'm hungry" Tim suggests. "You mean your men made you work up an appetite before you got here" Luka teases him. "Like you can talk you know what it's like to have two of them, it's hard work, if you know what I mean" Tim replies with a dirty laugh and we all burst out laughing at him. "So newbes, how was last night, he sure is one hunk of a man" Luka asks. "He's ours!" Ty growls. I expect the mood to drop at this but they just laugh again, "chill your boots, we have men just as hunky but I'm sorry, I know what the new mating feels like, I should be more careful. Just give it a while and the possessive feeling calms down. And you can stop snarling at me now baby cuz" he says to me and I only realise I am doing it then. "Sorry" I say a bit embarrassed. They only laugh.

"It was amazing though, he took great care of us but it was also fucking incredible" Ty blurts out. "Whoop, whoop, go Jace" Lucas yells making half the room look at us. "Ow, quit it or I'm telling Damon you hit me" he whines after I punch him in the arm. "Shut up you big baby. Could you not shout out our sex life like that" I say. "It's not like I shouted, go Jace give it to them hard or anything" he's still complaining. Luka takes him into his arms "it's ok bro, they are newbes stop teasing them, give it a couple of weeks and then shout- ow" Tyler shut him up by punching his arm this time. "You guys are bastards" he says. "Hey, I didn't say anything and it's not our faults you only get one big man while we get two" Tim says laughing like a hyena, the bastard. I need a bathroom break from this nonsense.

"Marco" "yes Luna" "can you come with me to the bathroom?" I ask. "I'm coming too" Luka says looking worried and because of his past I don't argue. We leave the others and go do our business, just as we exit the room I notice a figure dressed in dark clothes watching us from across the hall. To anyone else he would look like just another male possibly waiting on their mate to come out of a store. To anyone else he would look intimidating but oh so beautiful. To anyone else he would look like he had the most piercing set of amazing blue eyes that looked heavenly. Not to me though. To me he looked like the face of hell. To me his piercing eyes held evil. To me he was danger.

I did the only thing I could do as I watched him smirk menacingly at me as he slinked away with the crowd. I screamed.

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