Chapter 31: I'm Not Sleeping At His Flat

Start from the beginning

I turned the TV on and watched some old shows that were on. There wasn't much you could watch around this time. No one was really awake. 

I fell asleep around six in the morning, but by eight, Danielle came traipsing into the living room, waking me up with only her footsteps.

"Pen?" She asked. "What are you doing here already? I don't remember opening the door for you...Did Kylie let you in?"

She was right when she said she wouldn't remember anything. That took a lot of skill, but I didn't blame her. It was early and she was half asleep. 

"No," I chuckled, "you let me in and warned me that you'd forget that you opened the door for me in the morning. You were right."

"Well I guess I'm smart even when I'm half asleep and don't know what the hell is going on. Why didn't you go sleep in the bedroom with Kylie?" 

"Because if she woke up next to me, she'd scream so loudly, she'll break anything that's glass inside your flat. That's just a fair warning."

"Ah," Danielle nodded, "would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please."

We sat at her breakfast table, sipping coffee, and making idle chat. From experience, Kylie wasn't going to wake up for another half an hour. She genererally woke up around nine or ten. 

By the time we finished our coffee, Kylie came out of the bedroom with her red hair in a frizzy mess. Her eyes were still tired and she sat down at the table with us.

She looked at Danielle then towards me. 

"I thought you were Zayn' know...from One Direction," Kylie said. "God, I sound like I'm on drugs or something."

"She's a bit loopy in the morning," I explained to Danielle.

Danielle made Kylie some coffee and after that, she was a bit better. 

"What happened? What kind of mystical power told you to leave his flat at four in the morning and walk all the way over here? My God Pen! You could've been raped, or kidnapped, there are so many bad people on the streets at that time. What on earth were you thinking?" Kylie rambled.

"I had a nightmare and I just didn't feel comfortable staying there any longer," I said. It was a lame excuse, but it was all I had.

"A nightmare is being raped on the street!" Kylie exclaimed. "You, my friend, lack brains."

"What was the nightmare?" Danielle questioned. "I bet you told me earlier didn't you?" 

"Yeah. It was a nightmare about paparazzi. They kept asking me questions and in it, I was with Zayn. It was like an outcome of what would happen if we were together and it was absolutely horrifying. I-It was so bad, Danielle!"

Kylie cleared her throat, "I'm very confused. Why you and Zayn?'

"You didn't tell her yet," Danielle clarified, "right..."

"Tell me what?" Kylie asked.

That was when I finally explained all that went on before I met her. She listened intently, eyes widening at certain parts. I told her about Perrie asking me to switch, meeting Zayn and getting to know him, falling for him, and then when all hell broke loose. 

"A lot of more things make sense now," Kylie said.

"You probably hate me for not telling you," I sighed.

"Okay yes, I would've liked for you to tell me before after all I'm your best friend, but I could see why you didn't want to say anything. You just don't want to be compared to Perrie all over again. I can understand that," Kylie said.

"Yeah," I smiled, "but I've got Carter now anyways."

"Who's this Carter guy Pen?" Danielle questioned.

Kylie gasped and went through her phone, trying to find a picture of our co-star. She finally found one and handed her phone towards Danielle, whose eyebrows shot up as she saw the picture.


"I know!" Kylie squealed. "He's like my best friend right now, besides you Pen."

"At least you've moved on Penelope," Danielle smiled, "I'm proud of you."

But the thing was...

I never moved on.


Dedication to @VivianDominguez for making that banner on the side! I love it! Thanks :D

I updated earlier than I thought I would... Happy Father's Day to people in America even though I'm 99.99999999999% sure that none of my readers are fathers... But tell your fathers happy father's day and stuff like that. Hope you enjoyed that...Okay...bye!

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