Scamming the Prince: Chapter 8

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"Good luck today," my father said as I picked up my bag. In exactly twenty minutes it'd be ten and I'd be expected at Antony's Catering. When I got the job I was shell-shocked, and from what I heard they paid employees well-enough. I was to be tested today by catering a wedding party with two professionals named Emilee and Joe.

"Thank you," I said with a definite edge to my voice. I was quite upset with my father from what he told me yesterday. I can't believe he's thinking of marriage. I went over to Sophie and kissed her on the forehead, she smiled faintly. We exchanged good-byes and I went on my way.

If I landed this job maybe, in a few months time, I could help pay off Sophie's medical bills and bring her to the hospital so they could finally cure her. Sophie would finally be better and she'd be happy. With thoughts of finally having money danced on my head I didn't even notice that I was just up the street from the catering building.

Eagerly, I sped up my pace and pushed through the clear doors of the shop. Inside smelled of sugary pastries. The man I spoke to yesterday was behind the desk, his face lit up when he saw me, "Ah! The girl who thinks catering is easy! Pass me your name again." 

"Melanie," I responded.

"Yes, I'm dreadfully sorry I'm terrible with names. Sometimes I forget the names of my own children. They get rather cross with me. Come behind the counter," he turned around and opened the white double doors behind him, "Emilee! Joe!"

I walked behind the counter and watched as two people came out. They were an odd pair. The girl was tall and thin and the boy was short and plump. The man smiled down at me, "Melanie, this is Emilee and Joe. Emilee and Joe, this is Melanie she will be joining you both today for the wedding."

Joe sized me up skeptically, "Has she any catering experience?"

"No, none at all," he glanced at me, "Not professionally."

"Mr. Antony, are you sure this is good idea? She needs proper training first--"

"Oh shush, Joe. You're so closed up in a bubble, I think it'll be fun. We can teach along the way!" Emilee put it as she rolled her at Joe.

"Alright, so when the bride and groom came in they gave specific directions. From twelve to twelve thirty only drinks and fruits will be served. After that the couple should come out and do their dance. Only after that may you begin serving actual food. Oh, I almost forgot. Before the actual food you must hand out soup, just a small portion--" as Mr. Antony read the endless requests off the piece of paper I felt my eyes widen.

I felt my eyes shift to see Emilee and Joe's expressions. I half-expected them to have a face of shock and demand why the couple was so picky but their faces both held nothing. Not a smile nor frown was present. When I looked back to Mr. Antony his mouth was still moving,

"--and then you must wheel out the cake. After the cake, pack up and come back, we need to prepare for that dinner later on."

I'd never remember that whole list, I didn't even hear the middle of it. Emilee and Joe nodded in unison and disappeared behind the white double doors. I still stood there frozen. Antony, seeing my expression, laughed, "You see? Not everyone can do it, you can still back down if you want."

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