Scamming the Prince: Chapter 5

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Every store and business were closed today so everyone would attend the throning of Prince Nicholas. Although I wasn't fan of either member of the royals, I thought it was unfair to have the ceremony so soon. I wouldn't have appreciated it if my father died and I was expected to immediately get over it and take over his duties.

Apparently father, Mr. Kelly, and Abigail all agreed attending was mandatory so we all stuffed ourselves in the small wagon and spent quite a while traveling to the castle. I, on the other hand, could honestly care less.

After we were questioned and searched by guards for any weapons, we were finally admitted in and found a spot right in the middle of the large yard. "Sophie, Melanie, you're experiencing history. Who knows if you'll ever see an event like this again," my father grinned at us. Sophie and I gave him blank looks as his eyes shifted to watch the rest of the ceremony. I rolled my eyes.

Yes, I was so excited to see someone put an over-expensive, golden hat on their head. Nothing was going to change, we'd still be crawling around for decent money. I slid down in my seat and watched the minister approach the prince with a resentment in my heart. He rose his arms up to present the crown to everyone.

I heard someone whisper "Wow! Look at that!". Just like that a chorus of whispers past through the audience. Stupid, idiotic people. The minister walked back to the prince, who was seated comfortably on the velvet throne. He stood behind the Prince Nicholas and made a big show of placing the crown on his head. Nicholas' face registered nothing, barely a smile past through his face.

"King Nicholas!" the minister boomed. Everyone in the audience repeated after him. 

"Melanie. I need to use the bathroom," Sophie whispered next to me. If attention wouldn't have been averted to me, I'd picked her up and spin her on the spot. Finally, I could get up!

I turned around and tapped my father, "Sophie needs to use the restroom, I'm going to bring her there."

He nodded without looking at me, "Alright, I suppose. Meet us behind the gate."

I grabbed Sophie's hand and stood up. When I got up I finally realized I didn't know where the outside restrooms were. I inwardly groaned and continued moving Sophie forward. Alright, so perhaps the yard didn't have bathrooms but inside the castle, there had to be.

"Melanie! I need to go!" Sophie cried as her free hand tugged on my dress.

"I'm working on that, Sophie." I saw a wooden brown door leading up the castle, the guard was yards in front of it. I turned to Sophie and in a low voice whispered, "Alright Sophie, to use the bathroom you have to be very quiet," I pointed at the guard, "Or that man won't let you in. Understand?"

Sophie nodded understandingly and let out a small smile. I returned it and began to tiptoe behind the guard. For a castle holding important people, they had pretty bad security. Wasn't the guard supposed to be right next to the door. I slowly inched the door open and let Sophie in first before snaking in myself. Inside the castle had gray stone walls and a deep red carpet covered the floor.

"Where's the bathroom?" Sophie asked, looking at the hallway in awe.

"Let's look for it," I breathed taking slow, long steps to admire the design and decoration of the building. Sophie ran forward and pulled my hand toward stairs. With excitement and curiosity overtaking me I followed. As soon I reached the top of the stairs I saw an open door.

I'd just look inside really quick to see if it was a bathroom. I picked up Sophie and carried her toward the door. Very slowly I inched my head inside the door and--

"Hey you! Stop! Stop right there!" I heard a loud voice roar in my direction. I turned around and saw a muscular guard run toward me. He carried some sort of weapon in his hand and as soon as I saw that I took the cue to bolt inside the room, locking the door behind me.

"Bathroom!" Sophie cried happily when she spotted another open door and a large tub. She hurried out my arms and into the bathroom. My chest was still heaving hard. 

I heard a loud pound at the door and an attempt to open the doors, "Open the door right now! What are you doing in there?! Someone bring me that man with the keys!"

My eyes widened and I crawled toward the bathroom behind Sophie. I locked that door and sat behind it than covered my face with my palms. Deep, heavy sobs escaped my throat; I'd never been so scared in my life. Sophie reached over and flushed the toilet before running over and sitting next to me.

"Why are you crying, Melanie?" she asked softly as she examined my face.

"We have to be very quiet Sophie," I said in shaky, quick breaths. Outside the bathroom I heard the door unlock.

"I knew all those people there would be a problem. Get me the backup guards and see if King Nicholas can come in here. She's in here somewhere," I heard the same voice belonging to the man that was running after me. Someone else was with him.

"Sophie, shh. Don't speak, okay? Get inside the tub and close the curtain, don't say a word. Don't come out until I tell you." Sophie's eyes widened in fear as she took in my expression and voice. Quietly, she got up and followed my instructions.

"Sir, the King will be here momentarily. As will the other guards," I heard another voice say. I let another tear escape my eyes and pressed my body more onto the door so there'd be some resistance when opening the door.

"Good, she won't be getting out of here so easily." 

Why did I come in here? Why couldn't I have just went and asked someone where the bathrooms were? Now I had to drag Sophie in with my problems and she'd probably never live this down. It became harder for me to breathe.

"Alright men. Search this room! An intruder came in here moment's ago and I presume she's hiding in here somewhere."

After that, I heard numerous footsteps moving around urgently. Several moment's past until the doorknob of the bathroom began to shake under me.

"Sir, this door is locked." a voice said. 

Next came the jingles of keys and all else noise stopped. I stopped breathing. The door opened forcefully, knocking me aside. The first man pushed the other aside and grinned sinisterly at me, "We've found her men."

I just love writing cliffhangers :) VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!!!!!

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