The girl's first thanksgiving

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As promised here is the girl's first Thanksgiving I hope you guys like it, and vote and comment on what you guys think of the chapter

"Logie wake up its Thanksgiving" Kendall says as he wakes Logan up cause that day was a big day for the Henderson-Schmidt family cause it was the girls first Thanksgiving and Kendall and Logan wanted it to go off without a hitch, and Kendall was going to go off the boat, so his girls could try all of what Thanksgiving has to offer since Logan was still breastfeeding them and they were wearing cloth diapers like Logan promised and since Logan is keeping his promise Kendall got to make the turkey with all of the trimmings for the girls that morning

"What is it Kenny?" Logan asks him still sleepy cause he had to get up off and on during the night to feed the girls their meals

"It's Thanksgiving we got to get the girls up to watch the parade, and get them dressed in their first Thanksgiving outfits, and I have my brother bringing the quad table over here later, so we can get it set up for the girls, so we can feed the girls all together instead of in their highchairs" Kendall says as he gets out of bed and heads to the girls nursery to see if they were up and they were still sleeping like little angels that they were

"Oh yeah I can't wait to be with the girls this morning on their first thanksgiving" Logan says as he goes with Kendall to the nursery to get the girls ready

All four babies were sleeping peacefully in their cribs, so Kendall and Logan left them sleep

"That might be my brother with the quad table that him and dad were making for the girls, so feeding them is going to be easier on us as they get older" Kendall says as he heads to the door to see if it was his brother that was at the door with the table that they had made for the quads

"Where are we going to put it?" Logan asks Kendall as he comes down to get coffee

"In the kitchen i made room for it, and got a chair, so we can feed the girls their meals until they get old enough to feed themselves" Kendall says as he heads to the front door to see if it were his brother with the table for the girls, so they could feed the girls in it once they had woke up from their slumber

"Hello there sweetie" he says when he sees a cute little girl there who doesn't look more than one or two at the most at the door

"Who is it, Kenny?" Logan asks as he comes into the room with his coffee

"It's a little girl and it looks like she has been walking for a while" Kendall says as he picks the little girl up and holds her in his arms

"Sweetie are you hungry?" Logan asks her when he sees her in Kendall's arms

"The little girl nods as she goes to him

"Come on I'll feed you since we don't have any food for you sweetie" he says as he decided he was going to give her a bottle that had the milk for the quads since he had plenty on tap the girls were going to be good for a while yet

Kendall was going to go out for the little girl while Logan stayed here with her

"Sweetie would you like to watch some T.V?" Logan asks her as he holds her

The little girl nods

"Okay come on and maybe I can find something for you to eat" he says as he goes back into the kitchen to see what food that they had for her

The little girl was stuck with Logan

"Sweetie it's okay" he says when he hears Allie wake up from her slumber that morning

"Sweetie do you have to go to the potty?" Logan asks her

She nods

"Okay come on I'll show you where it is" Logan says as he takes her to where the potty was in the house

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