Learning the truth

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I don't know how long i was in that room. It could have been days. It could have been hours. But each moment felt like an eternity.

It was pitch black, i couldn't even see the outline of my own hand in front of my face. The floor was hard, and my butt was getting sore just by sitting on it. THe room was so small, only about six by six feet. Which was barely enough for me to lay down in.

I kept expecting to be let out soon. That this was just some sick joke from Joey. That he was pranking me, and would open the door and bring me out. because i honestly thought that i would be left in here forever.

All i wanted was to go back home. I would do every chore, eat all my vegetables, and get perfect grades if i could just go home. Thinking about this i started sobbing. I've never cried so hard in my life. I know it sounds like i'm being a baby. But anyone in my situation would do the same.

How stupid am I? Am i so stupid that i couldn't of recognized a crazy phsco vampire killer when he was right in front of me? I flirted with him for hours for god's sake! there had to of been a sign or something.

But in reality i knew there wasn't a sign. Joey was so careful. Never getting in trouble by teachers, never dating girls for a long time, never going to parties. Now that i think about it, he was just so perfect. No one would suspect him of kidnapping me.

No one will find me.

My teary eyes drooped down and i fell asleep to exhausted to cry anymore.

I awoke to the sound of the door opening. Blinking my eyes against the bright light, i realized that a girl around my age was holding the door open. She was beautiful. Long black hair to the waist, bright blue eyes, perfect skin, perfect figure. I hated to admit it, but i was jealous by her looks.

"Well are you going to sit there and stare or are you going to come out?" her eyes shined with kindness and i instantly knew i could trust her.

I got onto shaky legs and hobbled out of the room. I was glad to see that Joey wasn't there, and even more glad to see a tray of delicious food. My stomach growled audibly.

I glanced at the girl. " who...who are you?"i quietly ask.

she gave me a genuine smile and picked up the tray of food."Hi! I'm Gabrielle! And you're Heather. You must be hungry, why don't we take the food and go to my room?"

She walked out of the room and i obediantly followed. Her room ended up being on the second floor, and while it wasn't as big as Joey's it was still fabulous. Which made me nervous.

"A-are you...a..."

"a vampire?" i nod my head. "Yep!"

My heart dropped at this, but she quickly ammended her words when she saw my facial expression.

"But don't worry.I think humans are cool!" her bubbly voice says.

I look at her suspiciously and is about to question her when a loud GRRRRRRR echoes through the room. I look down at my stomach guiltily. Can you just shut up already?!

"why don't you eat the food, and we can talk about it while you eat."Gabriella suggests.

I quickly gobble down the burger and stuff my face with french fries. Only when my stomach was satisfied i looked back up at Gabriella.

"Soooooooo" i start awkwardly. " Are you a friend of Joey's?"

 I hope she isn't his girlfriend or something. that would make it completely awkward. Not that i like Joey now, because he scares the crap out of me, but i used to.

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