Day One Of Training

Começar do início

"Someone jealous?" She asked.

"No, I'm not jealous. I'm curious." I said quickly.

"You lie." She said.

"I'm not lying." I said defensively.

"Right." She said walking ahead of me.

"I'm serious." I said steeping in front of her.

"Right, your not jealous." She said shoving me. I just smiled and she laughed.

"I want to show you something." She said taking my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll see, I just hope your not afraid of heights." She said. Then she pulled me into the air and she was flying.

"YOU CAN FLY!" I shouted.

"Yep." She replied. "And don't worry I won't let go of you." She said. Then she used her free hand and made a small platform and pulled me up on to it.

"How?" I asked.

"I  can make objects out of energy." She explained.

"Ok, I guess the thing you wanted to show me was you can fly anything else." I asked.

"Yes. Look." She said pointing. We were about 100 feet in the air and the view was spectacular.

"Wow." I said.

"Yeah." She replied leaning on my shoulder.

Else where... Śēḍōjha P.O.V

"So did you get everything?" I asked.

"Yep, you know I'm only allowed one call a year here right." Said the voice on the other line.

"Don't worry you'll be out of there soon." I said.

"Good its getting boring here." She said.

"I can promise in the next few days you'll be out of there." I said.

"Good. I'll be looking forward to it." She replied.

"See you then Ace." I said.

"Yes you two." Ace replied. I hung up and walked over to Redblood's room.

"It's done she has been informed." I said.

"Good." Replied Redblood with out looking up.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It seems I have made a mistake with one of the three clones, one of them is not the part of the guardians." He said.

"What which one?" I asked.

"Waxer. Did you ever see him use his powers?" He asked.

"No, so wait you mean one of the another clone is a real guardian. But which one?" I ask.

"Capitan Rex." He replied.

"Wait he used it once, the fire..." I began but Redblood cut him off saying "it was an illusion, a hologram he set it up so he won't be killed."

"How did you realize this?" I asked.

"I noticed it because I don't have my full power yet, but since Waxer knows a bit to much about are plans he will have to go. And I noticed it because I mixed up the blood samples the first time I got them. Also I checked the room out and found a machine to project holograms." He said leaning back in his chair.

"So is the plan changed?" I asked.

"There will be a few minor changes but for the most part no, now I have to take care of something else where." He said disappearing.

Rex's P.O.V

Once I got to my room I just flopped right on the bed. I turned over and a dark figure was standing over me, but before I could move he placed a hand over my mouth and with the other hand he pressed down on a part of my neck and I couldn't move.

"Shhh, now I'm going to remove my hand form your mouth but I want you to stay quiet." Said Redblood. I just glared at him, he just removed his hand. I couldn't talk at all or move, it felt as if someone was controling my body. And with Redblood it was probably true.

"Now, since I probably only have a few moments before Owen can detect me. So we'll be going to a place were no one will brother us." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I blinked for a moment and when I opened my eyes we were in a cave.

"This will sting, a lot." He said pulling out a dagger that was stained with blood and a box that had stained blood on top. He placed the box next to me and took my hand and pressed the dagger on my palm. Then he place my hand down on the box and the box exploited. Black and dark red smoke filled the cave, the smoke zoomed around the room and Redblood held out his hand and all the smoke went right above his hand; then it disappeared.

"I'm back." He muttered. Then he pulled a out the sword that was attached to his back. Weird markings appeared on the blade, and he waved to sword around.

"Now, we should most definitely get you back to your friends." He said as he ran two fingers down the blade.

Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora