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(Unknown P.O.V)

The rain washed away the blood of the warriors. I feel the void inside be filled as I see them on the verge of death. I smile at the accomplishment I have overcome, I have finally done my job, and now I will be known as the greatest villain of mankind. I look as I see one of them move I lean in to their ear.

"Now you how it feels to be on the bottom, Watermelon" I whisper slyly. I slowly turn around, and walked away with the feeling of success and victory.

"Finally," I say looking at the sky while walking into the forest "Master. Your death is finally avenged!" With that I flew off not bothering to watch them die it was time for phase 2

I flew to the woods on the edge of town I know it was a terrible mitsake to defeat them in the middle of the city and leave their bodies there for the birds. However I had no choice my Master would have done the same. I smile as I land on the cliff seeing the other villains. "SCILENCE" I yell causing them to fall silent. " The Elemental warriors are dead!!!!" At the sound of this they all cheered. "Master is finally avenged" they cheered there is not just me we are a force waiting to rise but they didn't know that.

"We will rise to power of the earth planet soon enough and fully avenge Master"

(Kianna's POV)

As I was walking through the beginning of the Forrest I saw like four people I think but they had colored angel wings and they were drenched scarlet red blood still barely pouring from the many wounds they each had. I went into the woods to get some pictures of the rain on the trees and flowers. Since I had my camera I took a few pictures and hopped back on my bike to go tell the others whatever the hell I just saw.

(At Alec's house)
I was freaking out so much I forgot to knock on the door and just ran inside. In my hurry I quickly said hi to Mrs. Lightwood and flew up the stairs. I know this house like i know my Spotify playlists. Its a good thing I bursted into Alec's room when I did because all I heard when I walk in was Nicola almost screaming "OK Kianna's crush is" that's all she got to say before stopping when she saw me.
" You know I would be mad a you guys for pressuring Nicola into telling you my crush especially you Jace if I wasn't so freaked out right now "
"OK first off sorry we're so curious as to who you like and second what are you so freaked out about?" Jace asked genuenly concerned.
"Thank you and you guys look at this." I said showing them the pictures I took of the "people" I saw.
"Woah kiki can you take me to them I think we should help them" Nicola said with concern and curiosity in her eyes.
"Woah wait there is no way we are letting you two go over there alone they could be dangerous" Alec said with authority. Its cute when the boys try to take control but don't you get any ideas about what Nici was about to say.
"Okay okay now let's go it looked like those guys were about to you know die"Jace pointed out
And with that we were out the door ,on our bikes and at the Forrest entrance. I lead them to the sight and we saw them not almost dead but pretty close to it. Alec pulled Nicola behind a tree so they wouldn't see us and he tried to get Jace and I to do the same but 15 years and he still doesn't get it what part of I don't do well with authority does he not understand . Needless to say two seconds later Jace and I both yelled "Hey who are you guys!"
I know they heard us because they turned around in shock and started freaking out. "Wait you guys can see us?" one of them asked us.
"Uh yeah dude that's kinda why we asked you" I said
After saying that they huddled up and started murmuring and every once in a while one of them would look up at us then back at at their group. Once they were done talking they all stood up straight and looked at us . There was a long awkward silence until Jace started talking ." So what did you guys talk about?"

"Just about how you guys could be the ones we're looking for but there are only two of you" one of the girls said.

" what of I told you there were four of us" I said as Alec and Nicola came from behind the tree .

She smiled and said "then I guess we should tell you what you will be doing then start your training.

She goes on " We are the Elemental warriors with the powers of the four elements and the instincts of angels . We protect the world no the universe from evil doers who threaten to harm the balence of the universe. As you have no doubt discovered we are very hurt and our last purpose ie why we're not dead yet is to train the next group of elemental warriors. Listen closely as you will be getting your powers now so pay attention.
Kianna you will now be known as Seraffe warrior of Fire,
Jace you will now be known as Wave warrior of Water,
Nicola you will now be known as Diamond warrior of Earth,
Last but not least
Alec you will now be known as Cloud warrior of Air
Congratulations Legend generation of Elemental warriors."

As soon as she said that we were all lifted from the ground into the air and transformed you could say. Onne we were we had wings and our eyes were the color of our elements which is so kool. I can't wait to see what happens next.

"So what are your names just wondering?" asked Nicola / Diamond.
She chuckled and replied "I was getting to that Nicola"
"Oh sorry carry on" Nicola quickly added

" Now before we start your training your mentors, I am Firiesha and Seraffe I will be your mentor, Diamond your mentor will be Rockelle, Wave your mentor will be Ripple , and Cloud your mentor will be Airell."
"Now let's get you all trained" said Ripple he was kinda cute its too bad their gonna die once we're trained .

Dip Your Wings In Elements {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now