Summer Storm

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Ok guys here's my well beginning of my first book i will try to post 2 or more chapters a day from here! comment, and i know its sad but i really need some followers and will read and follow you if you follow me! ( ok that sounded cheesy) anyway...... suggestions about anything is welcome! Its my first book so give me some credit:)


My mother was the first thing I saw after I was born. "Hello Summer Storm" she whispered. She was as dark as night with white stockings. I nuzzled her then suckled for my milk.she sang to me and I quickly fluttered to sleep. When I woke me mother was gone, and I panicked squealing "mom, MOM!" She never came. I followed my mothers sent best i could as i walked threw the thickly wooded area i began to smell something like iron. Flys began to swarm me buzzing in my ear, and biting my legs. i soon realized what the smell was -blood-. I began to get nervous as i walked, following her sent, an then i saw it. A dark figure lying on the lush grass. I immediately galloped toward my mother. I was only five feet from her when I heard a menacing growl near me. I stopped an swiveled my ears to listen for the sound. I was so scared, for me, and for my mother. On my left I heard a old leaf crunch, I turned my head toward the sound to face a big brown wolf. Its face was covered in dried blood staining its muzzle. I froze just like a deer and tried to breath easy. He wont see me, He wont see me I thought. He see's me. The wolf let out a loud growl that shook me to my core. Showing me his teeth, he started towards me. Crap, crap, crap. i thought. I galloped toward my mother as fast as i could go, with the wolf on my tail. The wolf jumped to get on my back but i tucked my butt under an he fell to the ground with a squeak and a "thud". I came upon my mom and she lifted her head. "No, you need to go! find a herd, hide,Go!" she bellowed. "mom please let me stay with yo-" "No leave, I'm so sorry, I love you" she whispered "Love you too." I managed to squeak out. i glanced at the brown wolf, he was shakily getting to his feet and growling again. I nuzzled my mother and noticed a gaping hole in her thigh and stomach. I shuttered and galloped aways away and looked back at my mother. The wolf looked at me then pounced on my mother ripping her stomach open, and letting her insides spill onto the dark green grass her blood staining the ground. As i began to cry I thought You will pay for this. I trotted for some time trying to pick up other horses scents. My stomach began to growl and I was thirsty. My mothers words played back in my head "Find a Herd, Hide, go!" Hide. I thought I have to eat, drink, and hide. At that I set out in search of water.After a while I reached a place were a open field dipped down and the ground was moist. I looked for water but found none as far as I could see. My instincts told me to dig, so I did. I dug until water began to rise to the surface. It was a little water and it was grainy with dirt. I now needed food so I sucked up what water I could and began to try to eat grass. It tasted earthy then a sugar cane aftertaste. After a while I got used to it an it began to fill my belly quickly. As I was eating I herd thundering hoofs behind me first I thought horses! Yes a herd! Then when I looked I saw deer, tons of them. But as I was looking away, to finish my grass, I thought I saw a horse. Then I saw two horses running with the deer! By that time I was galloping toward the deer and horses. I went up to the closest horse I could find, he was a palomino\ paint with high withers and thin legs. Boy was he fast! I pushed on his shoulder so he would slow. As he slowed so did the other horses and the deer moved along. He stoped an looked at me for some time. "what's your name kid?" his voice boomed in turn making me jump. "summer, summer storms what my momma called me." I explained "well summer storm were is your mama?" I looked down and felt my eyes water, no tears this time I have to be brave. " the wolves got her." I choked he touched noses with me and I asked his name. "You can call me Gabe, now summers storm come and meet the rest of the herd since we'll all be together now" he said "so I'm allowed to join your herd?" I whispered "yes, and that bay pinto over there is going to be for now." he staggered "OK" I squealed, I was so excited to meet my new family! And that's how my life began.

**Copywrited** All rights reserved to Oriah Abo, the original owner and writer of this book. ** No reproduction of any kind is permitted**

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