Part 1: Melody: Prologue: Forever

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My plan was foolproof. All I needed was sweet, troubled little Rebecca Mae Port to accept my offer, and then people other than Xanthe, Rebecca Mae, and the Fords will be able to see me.

I watched little Rebecca, the young human I strung along, write down her final goodbyes. I could see she wanted this, needed this. She needed my guidance, my protection, for all eternity.

I placed my hand on her back, and I began the transformation. I watched carefully as her red, straw-like hair turn into the bouncy dark curls of my father, the one who gave me my superior intelligence. Her skin became porcelain, the tone of my other father, the one who gave me my beautiful voice.

She was screaming, thrashing. Becca may not have been as strong-willed as I had thought her to be. I was disappointed, but I could see that this was what was meant for her.

“This wasn’t what I wanted.” Rebecca exclaimed, “This wasn’t what I wanted!”

I dragged her soul out of her like bare, gooey dough from a mixing bowl. I could feel it beat rapidly, mimicking a human heart. I stepped into her head, and dragged her soul to the very back of it. I tested my new form’s functions, such as moving my limbs like a puppeteer. I looked into her blood splattered mirror.

I was the most beautiful creature in the world. If only Gatlin and Samuel knew what they brought into this world just by existing together. The thought of it was rather satisfying.

After examining my reflection for a few moments, I decided to leave out the window, so I won’t run into Sharon. I didn’t feel like explaining these circumstances at the moment. I made absolute certain that no one saw me run.


I rested my eyes, giving Becca’s soul a home in the back of my mind. She didn’t appreciate the chains and barred windows, though.

“Let me out of here, you little brat!” Rebecca Mae’s soul protested, “This wasn’t our deal!”

“Actually, it was, Rebecca Mae.” I corrected, “I guess I wasn’t clear on our terms.”

“Get back here.” she screamed, “Get back here!”

I locked the door to her cell tightly, ignoring her protests.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

Poor Rebecca Mae screamed and screamed until her voice became hoarse. It annoyed me severely, but I lived. What I really worried about was that the Fords would notice.

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