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There was light…and then there was darkness.

But there couldn’t be one without the other. They were inseparable and although they were completely different, they complemented each other.

Night…and then day.

Sadness…and then happiness.

Hate…and then love.

Because there is a thin line between them right?

And then there was me. I didn’t seem to fit anywhere. Maybe I was the key to all the events that happened, but to this day I don’t know, but I can tell you that the day that Caspian Urian Pallin Ivor Desparian died, everyone forgot about me, I became the odd one out, and I was forgotten.

People took everything into their own hands.

I took his hand, Caspian's, and we catapulted into darkness, the light becoming dim, and the people around us becoming quieter. A pain rushed through me, but I chose to ignore it. Caspian glanced at me, this was his first time on the job, and 250 years later, things will be different, but he couldn’t know that. But I did. How much it would hurt to let go, I didn't know. You humans could never understand what the world really means to you all, not until it gets taken away from you. Caspian and I are not here to make you see how much you love the world you live in, that was never in our job description. We are here though, so that you can all see why you are here. According to me, no-one is here by an accident; however, none of you really trust me. Instead you trust Caspian, a mistake that you should not have made, something that could have been avoided from the start.


Things were not as simple as it looks. Killing Caspian was not really a decision, it was a reaction, but I know it was for the best. But I know you don't really agree with me. However, I know, and you will see also when you find out my story. To unlock the knowledge of who I am, you must travel through time, travel through my mind, for my mind is made of time, woven of eternity, sewn of infinity. It is a hard process.

Ever since you were born, you have had decisions to make, some were made for you, but what you don't know is that the ones that are not made for you, are usually made by me, or Caspian. You morn his loss because you seem to have lost his attention. But later in life you will see that he never did anything for you. He was of no benefit. 

If you want, take my hand, come with me. I will take you into the sands of time, and you will see your past and future, and most of all, you will see your present and you will know why you are where you are and I will unmask your eyes.

Do you really want to see? Are you sure that you want to know? Because once you know then your life will never be the same again. You will be changed. But at least you will come to know what is good, right and proper.

And most of all, you will know the truth about Caspian and I and what happened on the fateful day when things became different in my life. The day I ran away.

I had to fix everything. My first thoughts were wrong. I found myself at a crossroad.

I didn’t know what to do, or what to say. I was not sure how to correct this mistake without a death. I could see three ways to save humanity, three ways to keep the world spinning. Three ways to correct the wrong that continues to reign in this world that has existed for so long. Each results in a death.

My decision had been made.

Caspian Desparian died to save you.

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