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*Christmas Time*

I wake up and look at the bright Christmas lanterns on my ceiling. I smile and swing out of bed. I'm in loony toon pjs that has a hood. As I wandered down stairs. A few people said "hi" and smiled at me. After me and Jay got home we worked everything out with the Alpha but I left out the part of my old pack. They didn't need to get caught up in that confusion. I wander down the stairs but stop at the bottom step. I sniff the air. Jay is in the game  room, the one that's on the farthest side of the house. Perfect! Now it's time for a Christmas prank.

I slip down the last stair and walk into the arts and crafts room trying to leave as little sent as possible. It's mostly for the pups but most are opening presents. I open the the cabinet that contains the glitter and grab the green and red containers. I put them in my hood and creep back up the stairs. I mission impossible roll down the hall way getting weird looks. I stand up with my fingers pointed into a hand gun and flatten myself against the wall. I pause and look around, DANG IT! I rolled to far! I creep back along the wall till I get to the fight door way. I peek in and point my finger guns into the door way.

"OW" says some random person I don't know.

"Why did you poke me in the eye?!?" Says a male voice.

"I didn't mean to I was just practicing pointing for when I go sight seeing" I quickly lie cause doing mission impossible through a house is going to make people ask questions and if my mate is near by, he can tell of I'm lying. I hate the mate pull because of that.

"Well the first rule of sight seeing is seeing what you pointing to first" the dude says.

  "Well that's why I'm practicing"

"You should practice away from people where there are more things to point at" he says but after I could hear him mumble "and less eyes."

"Well what if I'm sight seeing a person"

"That doesn't make sense" he says

"Well you don't make sense" I retort.

He raises an eyebrow at me and jezz he's good at that.

I narrow my eyes at him and ask "how do you get you eyebrow that high"

He chuckles. "How are you so random"

"You mean awesome? Yah that just comes naturally"

He laughs this time. "Well I got to deliver some files on some rouges to the main office."

"KK bye" I say but guess what I was thinking 'guess who's sneaking into the main office later!'

"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" He calls from further down the hall way"

"Call me marshmallow bacon swiper!" I call back

"Ok..." He says unsure of what else to respond. He turns the corner and only then do I realize I don't know his name either.
I'll just make up a nickname for him!!!

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