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"So what did you do" Ben asks me as i snuggle closer to the fire.

"They say I know too much" I vaguely say.

"What about you" I add.

He shrugs "I may or may not have stolen some weapons"

I choke on my laughter as I imagine the rouges faces as they realize that they are missing some weapons.

We ate a while ago so now we are just asking dumb questions like what's your favorite color, what's your favorite type of blood in werewolves that you kill? And stuff like that.

"What are we going to do next or let me rephrase that, where are we going next? Cause I'm not in a hurry to be somewhere" I ask.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?"

"To Antarctica" I answer bluntly.

"That may be a little difficult, so how about somewhere closer"

I think for a minute before saying "How about Alaska or Australia"

"How about no"

"Your being unreasonable" I whine.

"Then name something reasonable"


He face palms "fine, but don't come crying to me when we get caught by a pack"

What? What does he mean by caught by a pack?

I must have had a really confused face on because he answers my question "some of the strongest packs claim land on famous cities and land marks, so rouges can't destroy them in anger or something"


"Cause there all idiots"

"Makes sense" I say understandably.

"Yep, anyway you still want to go"

"Hell yeah, that makes it even more fun!"

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