"It's funny how things all... Work out." I say.
Both of the guys look at me.
I tell them what's been on my mind.
"I mean, if we were to go back in time and tell our old, suffocating-in-13 selves that there would be a day all three of us were laughing as I hold my child... We would have all thought we were crazy." I say.

Gale nods slightly and I can see a little smile on Peeta's face.

"Gale, tell us about your life. What have you been doing?" Peeta asks.
"Well," Gale says. "After the war, I got sent out to Two to clean up any resistance still left over. They moved my mom and the kids out there, so that's where we're staying. I have my own place, of course, but having my family there is nice. Now, uh, they've appointed me to head of security at the military base there. The Nut, Katniss. That's where it is, if you remember any of that. So that's really all I'm doing right now."

"Do you like your job?" Peeta asks.
"Yeah. I really like it." Gale says. "How's the bakery?"
"It's alright. I've had a few of my old friends covering for me while we deal with our new addition, but I'll be going back soon. We got a lot of money after the Games, but God knows how long we'll last only on that." Peeta says.
Gale nods.

A few hours later, we walk through the woods and up into the meadow where we lay out our food and our stuff for our little picnic.

Peeta and Gale carry the food and the blanket while I carry Willow.
After a little bit of eating and some casual conversation, I decide that Peeta was right.
It is nearly August. And it is a hot day.

"Hey, Peeta, I'm getting really hot. I'm going to run back to the house to put something cooler on and then I'll be back. Keep an eye on Willow..." I say, as if I even need to remind him.
He nods and I resist every temptation to just strip down to my underwear to cool off on the way back to the house.



Since Katniss left to go change, it's just Gale, Willow, and myself. And since Willow isn't going to be starting any conversation, it's really down to just Gale and I.

"You know, what Katniss was saying was right." Gale says suddenly, staring off into the meadow.
"What?" I ask.

"About how if we were to go back and tell ourselves how it would end up, we wouldn't believe it. You wouldn't believe it because it would have been to good to be true. Katniss wouldn't believe it because it seemed like too much of a happy ending for her. And me? I wouldn't have believed that I wasn't going to end up with Katniss." He explains.

My stomach twists at the mention of whatever it was that was between Katniss and Gale.
"I'm glad she chose you." Gale says.
"What?" I say again.
"I'm glad she chose you. I mean, I really love her. I don't think that'll ever change. But you... You're exactly what she needs." He says.
"Exactly what she needs?"

"Yeah," Gale says. "I mean, sure, I could have provided the baby for her and maybe we would have really been in love. But... There's something about you. You put out her fire when she needs it. But then, it's like you make it stronger when she needs it to be. I don't think I could do that. And I don't think I could be there all the time to help her through whatever she's going through."

"But you said you love her. You could do it if you love her." I reply.
"It's not that. You know, back in 13 we would get into these stupid little fights. Usually they were about something I said or did, but this one time, she told me that I would never understand what it was like. At the time, I couldn't understand how she could say that, you know? We were both living through war, but I guess I couldn't put into perspective how the games can mess you up. I'm not saying I understand it now, but what I do understand is how she needs somebody who does understand. Somebody who lived it with her."

Pure Torture: a Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now