Discoveries and Chains

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The dominant was growling and pacing trying to find a way out of the sealed room. All around him, the floor was cracked, the walls and floor were scorched and the door itself had ice shards sticking out of it. The only part of the room that wasn't touched was a comfortable looking part-dome that was radiating a warmth for the two submissives that were watching their mate try to find a way out.

The submissives had an affectionate, yet mischievous look in them as they watched him. They now knew that their dominant would do anything I his power to free them if they or their chicks were captured and they knew he had the power to back up any assault he might launch, as well as keep their house protected while they birthed their chicks. But now they had to see if he could track and rescue them from anything if they were separated.

Suddenly, the previously locked door opened, jolting the submissives out of their thoughts, and their dominant was in front of them, wings spread and opened to block them from view of any who would come into the room.

A familiar woman came in and closed the door behind her. "Hadrian James Salazar Riddle, you will calm down this instant." She said in a calm but stern voice that held no chance of disobedience.

The dominant bristled, he would not be talked down to in front of his mates.

The woman sighed before sinking down to the floor and sitting in a relatively clean section of the floor and baring her neck while bringing up both her hand to face palm up on her legs.

The dominant slowly stalked towards her, keeping an eye on the door as well as keeping himself between both dangers and his mates. When he finally got close enough, he sniffed the female before doing a light scan with his magic to see if she was a threat towards him or his mates. When his scan came back with nothing, he sent a soft trill to his two submissives signaling that she wouldn't pose a threat.

Slowly, the dominant pushed away his creature side, letting his human mind come back to the forefront in order to talk to the woman with a familiar scent. After he was finished, he waited a minute before giving another trill telling his mates that there was nothing in the air that should hurt them. Even so, he went over to them to make sure nothing happened, that is, after giving the woman he was slowly recognizing a look telling her that if she moved, she would be dead.

His more dominant submissive went first, changing back under the close watch of both his dominant and his submissive, just in case there was something in the air that only affected submissives. When nothing happened, the last one in their mateship turned back as well.

Their eyes widened in shock when it finally clicked on who the woman in the room with them was.

"It can't be-"



They all said at the same time as they swiveled to face the woman who had a mixture of amusement and affection in her expression as she looked at them.

"I see you finally know who I am?" she asked, the amusement she felt clearly heard in her voice.

"Y-y-y-yes ma'am." All three boys stuttered together. Still startled to see her in this place that they've never seen before.

"Great. Now you three can follow me out the door and I can explain everything." She said not giving them a chance to complain as she walked straight to the door and left the room.

Fred, George, and Harry looked at each other before shrugging and walking out of the room with the order being Harry, then George, and finally Fred. The two more dominant parts of their mateship protecting their submissive.

When they finally got to a room, they were astonished that there were three other people in the room. Then they instantly became on guard when they recognized the men in the room."



"Snape!" They all exclaimed at once. They were all on guard but not yet at the point where they felt the need to defend using their inheritance. After all Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let them get hurt and she wasn't under the Imperius curse because their creature side would have picked it up.

"What are you three doing here? Where are we?" Harry asked in succession, telling his mates with a look that they were to be quiet and stick close to him until he could determine if they meant harm.

"I'm surprised you didn't instantly start attacking me and Lucius." Tom said with a raised eyebrow.

"I would have but there are many factors for why I haven't. For one, Madam Pomfrey would never willingly put us into danger and she's not under any sort of curse. Second, I'm sure you've seen the papers, the Light is not as light as they proclaim. Therefore the Dark is not as bad as it has been told either. And third, there is something about you that makes my creature side calm and it's telling me to trust you and so I shall allow you to speak before I do anything." Harry said straight forwardly before sitting on the one couch in the room that had enough room for all three of them and was easily defendable.

He got looks of approval from all four adults in the room that he ignored as he set up his mates around him so that they were able to comfortably lean against him and it wouldn't hurt them if they fell asleep; but at the same time, it was easy for Harry to defend them if it came for that.

"I'll begin." Tom says looking at them with a small smile, remembering when he used to do that with James. "It all began when-"



Three men were near comatose in a dungeon, eyes dulled and ribs showing. Fabian and Gideon still had the will to live, still trying to find a way to find their submissive lover and keep him out of the harpy's hands.

A miracle had happened a few days ago, the familial bond that connected them to their sons had finally clicked back into place. Their baby twins had finally gotten their inheritance. That would mean they finally had a chance to get help. If they had enough magic power, together they could send out a cry for help over the familial blood line to the new Lords of the Prewett household. It would allow them to track the two down.

They worriedly looked over to the other prisoner stuck in the cell with them. James was the most comatose and the worst looking of them all. Ever since he had arrived, he had been raped constantly by Albus and others that he brought with him. Even now you could see cum leaking out of his ass. It didn't help that Dumbledore had cast a spell on him to keep reliving the rapes over and over again.

Thankfully though, only his mate could impregnate him or else James would have broken for sure. The act of having another child with someone other than his mate would have caused his creature side to become so depressed, it would have cause James to kill himself, in turn causing Tom to truly become insane over losing his mate.

A week after they had been forced here, his creature side had forced him to retreat into his mind. It didn't help that his mate had been curse to madness and he had been taken away from his one year old baby.

Hopefully, James would be able to last a few more days, for that was when they would have enough magic built up to overpower the magic suppression chains long enough to make a call for help.

"Hang on James." They both whisper hoping beyond hope that James would hear them and stay strong.

AN: Hey everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans. I'm back. From now on, I'm hoping to update my fanfics each at least once a month. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully, I'll be able to post another chapter for my other story, Enough is Enough this week as well. Now for the winners: from - Kigen Dawn, EvangelineRose2412; from - rosemarydanjou, Vanishingkat, miss_imagination2013; from Wattpad - I'm sorry. No one figured it out. Maybe next time. For the winners, remember if there is something that you want to happen, just PM me about it. If you guys manage to contradict each other or ask for something that I simply can't or won't do because it's against my morals, I'll PM you to see if you can change your idea.

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