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There they stood, side by side in all their twin glory. Harry couldn’t help blushing as he really took them in. And their outfits.

Both were wearing short sleeved, skin tight shirts showing their hard, sun kissed muscles from Quidditch practice. George was in blue and Fred was in red. They both had baggy, ripped blue jeans and white sneakers. Their hair was messy and shined a golden red in the in the streak of sunlight peeking through the blinds, giving them a handsome, boyish look. The usually noticeable freckles that covered their faces were hardly noticeable by the light tan they had both gained, making their blue eyes stand out and shine more brightly with mischief as they stared into his bright green eyes, watching in satisfaction as he ogled them.

Seeing that they noticed, Harry slightly raised an eyebrow and smirked with mischief playing in his eyes.

Harry shifted in discomfort when something came over him, he struggled slightly in his mind with the other Imp personalities trying to gain control and take over. He wouldn’t allow this; they were making him react to the Weasley Twins in a way he shouldn’t be reacting.

Fred and George, seeing his discomfort, and distraction, moved closer; climbing into his bed, on either side of him. Harry didn’t notice this, still distracted with fighting the other Imp personalities. The twins grinned wickedly over his head at each other, seeing he was still preoccupied. They, of course, had innocently overheard the Order talking about Harry’s creature inheritance (cough Extendable Ears cough) and knew about the different personalities and powers he now held within him.

They didn’t know what, exactly happened back at the Headquarters to make them feel this way of their once honorary younger brother, though they may admit that they found him adorably cute and attractive before, and may have had some not so innocent fantasies about him. All they knew was that they were attracted to him, and if how Harry was acting was any confirmation, Harry was attracted to both of them as well.

Step one begins.

Slowly and as lightly as possible, they placed their hand on Harry’s tense shoulders and slowly began to rub and massage them. Harry, now back to the world of the living, looked at both of them in surprise and shock as he hadn’t noticed them moving. These thoughts flew out the window as the pleasure of both the heated soft skin rubbing his back and their intoxicating smell took over. He moaned a low throaty moan in the back of his throat that made the twins pause in their actions.

The twins continued their ministration, soon changing their positions, Fred sitting behind him and the George on top of him with his knees on either side of Harry as George ran his hands up and down his chest.

“F-F-Fred, G-George? W-wh-what are y-you doing?” Harry moaned out breathlessly, eyes closed as his mind was unable to comprehend why they were doing this, as his Imp personalities fought to get out, screaming with the need to mark his twins and claim them.

“Shh, Harry.” George said with his finger on Harry’s mouth to stop him from saying anything else. A smirk took over his face as he used the same finger to rub against Harry’s bottom lip, deepening it to a rogue color because of the added pressure. Warm lips were softly pressed against the back of his ear.

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