An Interesting Conversation

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After a restless night in the infirmary, Harry was visited by two of the five people he really didn’t want to see at the moment. Ron and Ginny. The other three would be Mrs. Weasley, Dumblefuck, and Know-it-all.

“What do you two want?” he asked a little annoyed that it wasn’t his mates that came to see him. They were still unmarked so they could have anyone else. An unconscious growl started to come out of his throat at that thought.

“Why were you kissing my brothers?” Ron asks suddenly, jolting Harry out of his line of thought. “You can’t be gay. You’re Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.” He says pretentiously.

“Yeah, Ron’s right. You’re supposed to fall in love with and marry me. We’re supposed to have lots of kids and live happily ever after.” Ginny said after Ron was finished.

Harry was irritated that they thought they had a right to tell him what he could and could not do and told them as much as well.

“What gives you the right to decide what I can and cannot do? Even if I hadn’t been gay, which I have been since 5th year, I still wouldn’t have picked you. You can obviously see that I am an Imp. Because I’m an Imp, I have a mate and you are obviously not it.” He finished starting to get angry.

“Then obviously the twins did something to make you believe that they are your mates. You belong with me.” She said getting angry as well.

“Why would we do that?” Fred said. They had entered in the middle of Harry’s rant and had stood in a corner near the door watching, until Ginny had accused them of tricking Harry into liking them.

“We, unlike you, wouldn’t trick someone into loving us.” They said looking at Ginny.

“Yeah, that and I wouldn’t want someone who has slept with probably all the 6th year boys in the school and a few of the 7th and 5th year Gryffindor boys too.” Harry said looking at Ginny with thinly veiled contempt, his imp side delighting in the chaos he was causing her.

“You’re just jealous!” Ron said finally blowing up at that last comment. “You’re mad that we have a real family and you don’t. You always want more, more fame, more money, and now you want more than one lover! It wasn’t enough you got a lot of vaults from your parents, Sirius had to go and leave you everything and give us nothing! And if it weren’t for Dumbledore, we wouldn’t have anything for being friends with you either!” he finished off his rant. He then looked horrified at all that he had said, Ginny too.

Harry slowly got angrier and angrier as the words sunk in. “WHAT?!! ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT I HAD MORE MONEY THAN JUST MY TRUST VAULT? YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT SIRIUS HAD A WILL.” The hospital slowly got hotter and hotter as his fire Imp personality increased his anger. “AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE PAID FOR BEING FRIENDS WITH ME? YOU WEREN’T A GREAT FRIEND TO BEGIN WITH. YOU ABANDONED ME IN FOURTH YEAR WHEN YOU THOUGHT I HAD CHEATED. HERMIONE WAS IN ON THIS AS WELL, WASN”T SHE?” Ron’s guilty face said it all. The sheets started to catch fire.

“Well then,” he says with a deceptively calm voice. “You won’t mind if I do this.” He said as he took out his wand. They both backed away a few steps, fear clearly seen on their faces.

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