Explanations and Lordships

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Harry waited with Fred and George for Ragnarok to come back with Remus inside Ragnarok’s office. When he got there, they were going to claim their inheritances.

When Remus walked into the room two things happened simultaneously. One Harry jumped out of his seat and started to growl at Remus and two Remus’ eyes glowed amber and his wolf came to the forefront. Fred and George took each other’s hands for comfort and watched the dominant battle take place.

“Mine,” Harry growled menacingly at Remus. His wings burst out his back to wrap around the twins in a protective manner.

The staring contest continued for another few minutes before Remus submitted.

“Yours,” he agreed looking down and tilting his head slightly. Enough to be a show of submission but not enough for him to look totally submissive.

Harry looked smugly at Remus before he unwrapped his wings and let Fred and George out of their cocoon. They groaned as they were let out, wanting to stay in the cocoon loving the feeling of safety, love, and protection they found in there.

“Right then, now that that is over, would someone like to explain to me what that was?” Remus said after clearing his throat. He tried to look directly at Harry but his wolf refused to allow him to look directly into his eyes.

“Of Course,” Harry said, still in front of Fred and George, “It turns out that not only did Dumbledore block half of my inheritances; magical, physical, and creature, but he also blocked my dear mates and their families’ inheritances, as well as hid away two of Fred and George’s real parents.”

“What?” Remus says shocked. “Can you explain what you mean about the Weasleys?”

“It turns out that Fred, George, Arthur, and probably two other Weasleys are not human. I’m not sure what Arthur was, but Fred and George are both a mixture of fire imp, changeling, fae, and phoenix.”

“Don’t you mean six other Weasleys?” Remus asked mentally counting all the Weasleys in his head.

Here, Fred and George both growl a little at that statement but calm down when Harry growled at them.

“Molly, Percy, Ronald, and Ginevra are not part of the Weasley family.” Harry growls as his eyes start to glow. “Bill, Charlie, and of course my mates are the true Weasleys.”

“So there is no Prewett blood in any of them?” Remus questions, genuinely curious.

“I never said that.’ Harry says with a smirk. “Their parents are Arthur Weasley and his mates Fabian Prewett, and Gideon Prewett.”

1.   2.  3.  4………

“What?!!” Remus asks flopping onto a chair due to disbelief. “How is that even possible? I, and others, have been friends with the Weasleys for a long time, don’t you think we would have remembered the fact that Arthur, Fabian, and Gideon were mates?”

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