Chapter 5: The Warrior(s) of the Red Spade (Help from people tagged! Thanks!!!)

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(A/N: Okay, first of all, sorry for not updating in forever. I was trying to find a person/character to play as the Warrior of the Red Spade, but couldn't get anybody. Yeah... So, I'm trying my best to improvise right now. Also, school has been smothering me in work. So... I'm trying! Let me know how I did! And sorry if its a bit short, I've been brain-blocked for months now! Also, big big BIG gore warning for this chapter and possibly others! If you can't handle lots of blood, skip this chapter! Skip this part and the next part, go to chapter 6! ~Admin)

Helpers: @Zone-Pill @FreddyPoison


I walked along the road, whistling quietly and looking around. I felt something sticky underfoot. Slightly disgusted but curious, I lifted my foot to see what it was. The sight disgusted me. It was blood. (Ohh, so scary.)'Zip it admin.'(Fine you weenie.)I paled, ready to barf, but held back. I scraped my foot on the ground, cleaning it off the best that I could, and then kept walking. More blood began to appear as I walked, stretched along the ground... Dragged down the bark of the trees... I grew quite queasy at the sight, my mind getting dizzy.

I noticed a small castle like area, racing inside in hopes of refuge from the hideous sights. But, looks can be quite deceiving. More blood was around the place, and I noticed a somewhat familiar body pinned to the wall, a look of total shock it it's eyes. Already queasy, I stepped forward to look. The figures face was distorted and surprised, a bit of blood running from the corner of its mouth. A large hole was stabbed through the chest, seeming from the back, with a bit of bone sticking out. Underneath, inscribed in blood, it said 'This is what happens to SLACKERS'. This pushed me over my edge, I vomited up the remains in my stomach, leaning against the wall with wide eyes. Once I was finished, still mentally scarred, I stood up, quickly looking away from the body as I wiped the disgusting remains from my mouth and continued to walk, the blood beginning to not bother me as much.

As I walked, I began to notice large claw marks dragged along sections of the walls and floor. The sights sent shivers down my spine, chilling me. My mind began to wander on all of the things they could possibly be from. I heard a sound of heavy yet... disturbingly calm breathing coming from down the hallway. Despite the signs that I could die at any moment by any sort of ferocious creature around the place, my mind was full of wonder and curiosity. I quietly padded towards the room which held the noise, freezing at the slightest of sounds. When I arrived at the room, the sights inside... surprised me truly.

It was a very orderly room, and very long, like a throne room for a king and queen. Sections of guards lined the walls, all with fearful looks on their faces. At the very end of the room, on the blood-stained carpet, a very large and furry creature slept, snoring slightly. Moving up the steps slowly, i noticed something, I... wish I hadn't. A large golden throne, with soft red silk cushioning and jewels, on top of a large pile of dead corpses. If there were any contents left from within my stomach, they would be out the way they came right now. However, nothing was left, and so I was left with the queasiness. On top of the throne, a sandy blonde figure sat, lounging, wearing a black jacket with red designs and a tan-ish long sleeved shirt underneath. They also wore dark blue jeans a bright red sneakers. Their eyes were the same color, a bright, fiery red. The figure looked so familiar...

The large creature at the foot of the throne snorted in its sleep, causing me to jump in surprise. The figure on the throne looked up at me surprisingly calmly, grinning sharply when he spotted me, beckoning me forward with his hand. I slowly walked over, gulping. I stopped in front of the large beast. The man on the throne stood up, walking over and placing the sharp tip to his his blade under my chin, the tip pressing into my throat. "Oh, another Alice?" The sharp voice stated in a slight question-like tone. I nodded softly, watching the man with a fearful eye as he scoffed. "No one shall take my throne! I am the true Alice!" He laughed, his eyes going sharp. "Jerome!" He shouted as he kicked the beast that lay sleeping in front of him quite harshly. The large creature in front of me shot up, looking at the other figure. "Kill the Imposter. I need a new corpse for my throne." He said with a grin, sitting back on the throne. The large creature glared at me, emitting a low growl from within the mass of fur and what looked like a shredded business suit. I stood frozen for a moment, trying to take in what just happened. Once I snapped to my senses, I saw large paws about to crush me. So, I did the only thing I could. I took off running.

I raced back, the paws shaking the ground, causing me to stumble. I looked back, noticing the creature quickly closing in. I got back to my feet, racing down the hall to the large set of doors at the end, racing through and quickly darting down the hall on the left, not caring where it led to. The beast charged after me, but seemed to slow down once he was out of view from the crazed ruler, as if he didnt really want to hurt me.

I continued to run, my breathing getting heavier as I pounded down the stone halls, my feet echoing as I ran. I heard the loud panting of the beast as I hit a sharp turn, skidding into the wall slightly. My arm hit a loose and jagged stone, cutting deep into my skin and letting loose a flow of blood. I grabbed my arm, wincing in pain, before picking up once more. As I hurried off, I heard a loud roar and crash, turning back to see the beast had created a crater in the wall from smacking into it. I smiled, as it gave me a bit of extra time, as I hit a fork in the road. I heard the beast scramble to its feet, it's thick claws digging into the floor.

Quickly, I dodged right, tearing down as fast as I could, my body wearing out. As the corridor became darker, I still hurried, but slower than before, my hand racing the wall to keep me in the right direction. I heard the ragged breath of the beast, and I looked around for somewhere to hide. Suddenly thee was a quick flash of blue, and a small panel, maybe the size of a toddler, opened. I scurried inside as fast as I could, hoping that the beast would walk past. I heard loud sniffing, and the panel opened to hot and ragged breath. To weary to attempt to escape, I stood to accept my fate.

But all was still.

Ha Ha!!! Just love those cliffhangers. Sorry, no extras today! BUT HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!

Seto in Wonderland (A MCYT Book) ((BEING REWRITTEN WITH NEW CHARACTERS))Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz