Chapter 9

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Piper's P.O.V.

"Quidditch results are up!" Piper opened my eyes when a loud yell sounded from across the room. She groaned and sat up sleepily. "Ergh Jason why do you have to be so loud?"

"Aww, come one Pipes! The results are up! Let's go!" Jason ran over to her bed and pulled her covers off her. "Hurry up!" Piper groaned again but got out of her bed. A few minutes later, she was dressed in her orange Camp Half- Blood t-shirt, blue jeans, and her favorite charm bracelet. She braided an owl feather into her hair as she shoved on her sneakers. Since today was Saturday, they didn't have to wear their robes, which was a relief to Piper. They were so stuffy and probably made her look really weird to Jason. Then she shook her head. Living with a bunch of girly girls for so long had influenced her thoughts.

"Come on Piper! Everyone else is already down there!" Jason grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the common room. A large crowd had gathered by the board, and they both pushed their way to the front, where their demigod friends were too.

"Hey Piper. Hey Jason. Did you guys make it?" Annabeth said. "I'm a Chaser!"

"Congrats Anna- OH MY GODS I'M A CHASER TOO!" Piper squealed when she saw her name on the list, then lowered her voice when a bunch of studying kids glared at her. "I mean, I'm a chaser too!" she said more quietly. Annabeth grinned and flashed her a thumbs up before settling into a couch with a thick book.

"Sweet! I made it in too!" Jason pumped his fist in the air.

"That's great Jason! What position?" Piper asked.

"Beater. And get this. Frank's a Beater too!" Jason grinned. Piper smiled.

"Anyone else we know get in?" She asked her boyfriend.

"Well, Hazel is the only other one who tried out, but she didn't make it. But she's the backup Chaser, so she might get to play! We already know Ginny's the Chaser, and Ron's the Keeper. And the Seeker is-"

"Me obviously," Piper turned around to see Harry walking up to them, a smirk on his face. Piper groaned inwardly. "I, the amazing Harry Potter, have, yet again, been chosen for Seeker,"
"That's great Harry. Congratulations," Piper said through gritted teeth.
"Hey Harry! Come over here!" someone called him over. He smirked one more time and then thankfully left.
"Gods, what a jerk!" Hazel said, walking over.
"Hey Hazel. Sorry you didn't make it,"
"No, it's fine. I'm not really a good flier anyway," she smiled. "But congratulations to you guys! Wanna go down to the Great Hall for a celebratory breakfast?"
"Come on Jason! Let's go have some fun!"
So...I'm really bad at writing happy stuff...but here's the result! :/
Tell me what you think!

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