Jessica doesn't sit so I stand. Her nails are bright red and she wears heels and a jacket. "You didn't tell me there was a party tonight."

She walks past a few chairs before stopping and digging her nails into the chair.

"I didn't think you were staying long enough for it."

"I'll be sure to go home before Christmas."

I narrow my eyes. "What about Thanksgiving? Don't you want to spend it with your pack?"

"I've spoken to Nash, Oliver, and Wyatt, Dean." My stomach drops. I calm my heart. "They're all so excited to know you've found your mate."

"Its something I didn't want advertised."

"Its something that should be shared with the alphas, don't you think?" She smiles.

"I was going to tell them when my relationship with Anna was stable."

"Anna." Jessica turns. There are holes in the chair she had been gripping. "She's a feisty little wolf." I walk towards her. "Anna Montgomery, was it?" She turns back to me and closes the distance.

"What are you getting at?"

"What I'm getting at is that she's not a wolf, Dean. She's a mutt." I clench my fists. "Alphas don't mate with mutts Dean."

I take several steps from her. The last thing I need is to do is attack her. "She's not a mutt." I grit my teeth.

"Oliver and Nash won't back you if Alexia attacks. Once Alexia gets wind of this news their will be a war. You'll be a laughing stock."

"I don't need Oliver and Nash then. And Alexia won't hear of it, she never speaks to us."

"She never speaks to you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'll see you at the party, Dean." She heads for the door.

"Jessica." I refrain from grabbing for her. "What do you mean?"

The door shuts.

She leaves the office with her two guards. Daphne watches them leave for a few seconds before coming inside. "What did she want?"

Besides Daryl, Daphne is my most trustworthy patrol. I trust her and Daryl with my life. I know they'll always be there for me. Daphne and I went to school together. She's a short black girl that packs a tough punch. I've been on the receiving end of her fists many times before my parents died.

And Daryl is Matt's friend first but with my exposure to Katie so much I got exposed to Daryl and he gained my trust just as much as Daphne did.

"She wanted to send a message," I say.

"What sort of message?"

"A life threatening one. I want Anna guarded at all times. Set up a patrol that can be with her at school."

"That'll be tough to do. Do you want her to know about it?"

"Shit." I run my hand down my face. "Don't do anything until further instruction. I have to talk to her first." I head for the door when Daphne stops me.

"I just got a report off Emily and Eve."

I stop and turn. I don't think I can do with any more excitement for the day. The party hasn't even started yet and with Jessica being there, I don't even want to think what could happen.

"Your uncles checked into a motel in Tucson."

"Tucson?" I furrow my brow. "Let me know what else happens. Keep me updated."

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