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This is for im5lover456 ! I hope that you enjoy this! And remember that anyone can get an imagine! Just message me the boy, your name, and perdurable some stuff about yourself and a situation.

(F/N) is friends name


You stand in line. Only 10 people ahead of you and your best friend. Everything is perfect. It's your birthday, and you are going to meet your three favorite boys in the entire world, with (F/N), your best friend in the whole world. And, after you meet them you get to see them live for the first time in three years. Everything should be perfect right? But the words of your room mate echo in your head.

"Monica, are you sure you want to drive three hours to see some guys you have never met?" Your Room mate asks for the hundredth time. 

"Yes You know that I have wanted to meet them for three years now!" You say, annoyed.

"What if they are mean?" She drills.

"They aren't I know that from the hundreds of fans that have met them before!" You reply , cleaning up your plate. You walk quickly to the door, out of the kitchen. 

"Monica wait!" The room mate yells from behind you, apologetically. You turn around, giving her a chance.

"I'm sorry I haven't supported you in this. I know that (F/n) getting those tickets is a really big deal," She rambles. You can tell that she is going to say something that you don't like so much next. "I just don't want you to regret going." You are taken a back by this confession. Why would I regret meeting them?  You think wordily.  

"There is no way I would regret meeting these boys. I have wanted to for years!" You say, confusion in your voice.

"I, I just don't want you to do something you regret there, and make a fool out of yourself. I want you to have a good time," She admits.

Ever since then, your anxiety has been building. What if you do do something wrong? What if you trip and fall and make a fool out of yourself? What if you say or ask something offensive that you didn't mean to say? There are so many things that can go wrong. 

"Monica, please tell me that you aren't thinking about what your stupid room mate said again?" (F/N) asks you, shaking you of of your thoughts. Now there are seven people in front of you. 

"She wasn't wrong though! You can't remake a first impression! Maybe I shouldn't meet them. If I do something wrong I'm not sure if I would be able to live with myself, let alone show my face at the concert!" You say, voicing your worries. 

"That isn't going to happen! You will be fine. They have most likely seen it all! They won't judge you for saying a wrong word of tripping!" (F/N) explains. But it doesn't help your rising fear. Five people. 

"(F/N) I'm just not sure I can do this," You admit. 

"Come on Monica you can!" 

Four people. You look over at the boys to see Cole looking down the line, most likely seeing how many people are left. On the way down the line, he meets your gaze. When he gives you a warm smile, you turn away. 

Two people. You can't do it. 

"Sorry. Meet me outside the room for the concert. Please stay inline and meet them. For me," You say, before walking quickly to the door. You keep your head down, hopping no one will notice you.

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