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So this is actually a dream i had so it is going to have my name (emily) and my friends name (Julianna) in it like in my dream.
You stand at the edge of the crowd as Julianna texts her dad to come pick you up. Julianna had taken you to see the IM5 concert for your birthday even though she wasn't a 5er.
"It might take him a bit because he is in the other side of town. He said to wait at the back of the building" Julianna says.
You both go out side in the cold because they are closing up the place. You walk into the back alleyway and wait. You shiver as you sit down at the back curb.
"How long 'till your dad is going to get here?" You ask Julianna after a good 10 minutes of shivering.
"I don't know," Julianna starts, but then she is cut off my her phone buzzing.  "Aww great."
"What is wrong?" You ask trying to read the text behind her.
"My dad's car broke down. It's going to take him a while to get here. He doesn't want us walking through the streets of Chicago at night alone either," Julianna explains laying into the wall. You grown and try to get comfortable.

Five minutes later you hear doors opening and guys voices from the other side of the dumpster to your left. You automatically recognize them as Cole's, Gabe's, Dana's, Alex's and Jill's voices.
"You should go over there!" Julianna whisper shouts. You shake your head.
"I don't want to be known as that one fan who waited for 30 minutes to talk to them. They probably want to get going anyways," You explain sighing.
"Oh come on!" Julianna tries to get up but you hold her down. You both hear an engine start up, and you let go of Julianna as you watch their black van drive past. You feel a pain in your chest. Without knowing it, you had hoped that they would see you do you would he able to talk to them.

About ten minutes later you hear footsteps from your right. You turn to see no other than Cole Pendery jogging past you. He sees you and Julianna and gives a little wave as he passes. You wave back, wondering what he is doing. You hear the back door open and shut, and realize he probably forgot something inside. A few minutes later you hear the door open and close again. This time however when Cole sees you again he comes over.
"What are you two ladies doing out here in the cold this late?" Cole asks, sitting next to you.
"Her dad's car broke down when he was coming to pick us up. We are stuck here until he can get a replacement," you explain, your heart fluttering.
"That sucks. Where do you guys live?" He asks.
"A small town called Cedarburg. Just north of Milwaukee" you explain.
"So you came far!" Cole exclaims, surprised.
"Ya, I took Emily for her 18th birthday. She has always wanted to see you guys in concert," Julianna says, finally speaking up. You blush and look away.
"Oh so its your birthday Em?" Cold asks, trying to get you to look at him, causing you to blush more. You have been called Em as a nickname before, but he says it so, well, hotly.
"Well it is tomorrow," you say simply. You feel the wind on your bare arms and shiver.
"Your cold? Here," Cole says, draping his jacket around you.
"Th-thats okay. Them you will just be cold," You say trying to shrug it off.
"No. I insist!" He says, putting your arms threw the arm holes like you are a little kid. You laugh as he zips it up.
"Why are you back?" You ask him.
"I forgot my phone actually," He says holding it up. You laugh, and he looks to check it.
"Oh look at the time! It's midnight. Let me be the first to say!" Cole starts, smiling. He pulls his string bag off his back and takes out a beanie. He puts it on your head as he says "Happy birthday Princes."

After that he calls Jill and they end up driving you home. All the way Cole keeps an arm around you. You fall asleep on the way, and you wake up laying on Cole's chest, with him smiling down at you. Latter when you get home you see a new contact labeled "Call me💕" and a lot of selfies of Cole.

I have very few dreams of Cole. But when I do they are good ones.

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