Cole Part 2

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For THEDAM7 again! Here is your part Two!


It seems like there are millions of people in the room. But you can only see him. You want to say something smooth, something that would make him laugh. But you can't udder a word. His blond hair is darker from the long summer. His gorgeous eyes are coated with worry. You feel like there is nothing in the world that could give you the strength to say anything. But then you snap out of the shock. 

"Owe My legs!" You say, feeling tears threaten to spill. It feels like your legs were crushed. 

"Shh," Cole soothes. All you can do is fight back the tears. 

"Why is she here? Who is she? Why is she in the back stage safe room?" Jill questions, looking at me in confusion. 

"She got stuck in a closet. The earth quake made some boxes fall on her legs," Dana explains. Dana Explains. You can't get over the fact that they are here. And all you can do is lay there in pain.

"She didn't have her phone or anything for lights so she must have wandered into the closet thinking i was a way out," Gabe explains further. Jill comes over and kneels by your legs.

"Can you move them huny?" She asks in a kind voice. You can tell by her eyes that she is worried though. Knowing you must, you try to move them. 

"Owe!" You cry out, the pain blurring your vision. You feels tears slide down your cheeks.  The first time that I'm meeting the boys. And I am crying. You think in dismay. 

"Someone call 911!" You hear Jill say, standing up.

"I assume that m-my legs are broken?" You ask, biting your cheek. 

"It'll be alright," Is all Cole says. He runs his hand through your hair, successfully calming you down.

"What is your name?" Cole asks. 

"Angie," You say weakly. 

"Did you come here with anyone? Friends? Parents?" Gabe asks you, kneeling by Cole. 

"N-no," You stutter. 

"Do you have the phone number of anyone we could call?" Dana asks, standing over you. 

"Y-Yes in my phone," You manage.

"Where is it?" Gabe asks, just as Cole produced it from his back pocket. 

"Why do you have her phone?!" Both Gabe and Dana ask at the same time. 

"I took it during the concert for her, just before the lights went out," Cole admits, blushing a bit. He must be thinking that it is his fault you are hurt, because you didn't have the light from your phone! You think in disrepair. You want to tell him that it isn't his fault, that you would have ended up hurting yourself either way, but some one starts taking before you. 

"The ambulance is on its way. It looks like the earth quakes are over, so we need to get her outside," You hear the person say. You start to panic.

"N-No! Don't move me, it'll hurt. Please!" You beg. Cole looks up to Jill.

"I'm so sorry, but there is no way that they can get a stretcher in here," Jill says, her eyes showing how sad she is. The boys take off their jackets, and tie them together. You feel someone grab your shoulders, and you feel panic rack your system. 

"Please no please!" You beg, tears streaming down your face. Through the blur of tears you see Cole's face. He looks like he is in physical pain seeing you like this.

"I'm so so so sorry Angie. We have to," Cole says.  You feel someone grab your waist. Then someone grabs under your legs. Just that little movement hurts. "Shh," Cole soothes. "It will be okay princes." The next thing you know everything goes black. 


"Can I stay with her?" You hear Cole's voice beg, and you open your eyes to see that your're inside an ambulance. You crane you head, trying to spot him in the crowd.

"Cole?" You ask weakly, and you spot him.  He is looking at you with worry painted across his face. 

"Sorry but only family," The man explains, closing one of the doors. 

"Cole!" You try to shout, but it gets caught in your throat. 

"Please she needs someone!" He begs, meeting your eyes. Tears stream down your face as you mouth "please". He looks lost as the man pushes him back. He fights back, looking helpless. 

"Let him come with me please!" You beg to the lady in there with you. 

"I'm sorry but-" She starts. But you cut her off.

"Please," you whimper. Then the doors close, and your strain agenced the restraints. You feel a poke in your neck, then you are greeted by darkness once again. 


It has been a few months. Your legs are healed, and you are at a meet and great of IM5. They did it to make up for the cut off show. It's about to be your turn to see the boys, and you can't wait to see Cole. You had decided long ago that he didn't come meet you in the hospital because they had to stay on scheduled for the tour. Now, it is your turn. You go straight up to Cole.

"Cole! Remember me?" You ask in excitement. You feel your excitement waver as he looks confused. "Remember? I was the one who broke her leg? You saved me and wanted to help me to the hospital!" You explain looking hopeful. 

"Oh ya." He says blankly. "Picture with one or all of us?" 

"D-Don't you have anything to say?" You ask, stuttering. "Aren't you glad to see me well and healed?" You feel sadness tug at your heart. He takes one look at your expression and laughs. 

"Did you really think that I cared?" He laughed. All the girls around us laugh with him. "Did you think that I liked you?" He scoffed. Everyone in the room laughs. You feel tears threaten to spill. 

"Cole," You start, but don't know what to say. 

"With that hair?" One girl geared. 

"And that terrible excuse for a face?" Her friend added. You feel a tear graze your cheek. 

"Oh now your crying?" Cole laughs. "Wimp." 

Everyone around you laughs and laughs. A beeping noise joins them, and soon overpowers them. 

You sit up, gasping. You feel the tickle of tears on your cheeks.

"Hey whats wrong?" You turn to your right to see Cole Pendery sitting by your hospital bed. 

"You were laughing, and they were all laughing, and you didn't care and-" You choked out, remembering the terrible dream. 

"Shhh," Cole soothes. "It was just a terrible dream. Of course I care about you!" He says hugging you. "How couldn't I with such perfect hair? And such a beautiful face?"  His eyes are so perfect, and you hug him tight. 

"Are you sure?" You can't help but ask. 

"Of Course," He says, leaning in to kiss you.


Writing that dream almost killed me. I know that Cole would never act like that. Well I hope you liked it!

Love you all!


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