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A/N this is for EshaIM5 !! Thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy it! I definitely enjoyed writing it! And for all of those out there that want one just message me or comment!


You are walking down the street as the sun goes down. You are heading back to your house after spending the day with your friends. Even though you have lived on these streets and grown up on these streets, you still feel a shiver run down your back. There is a gang that is known to be around here.

You see your house and start to jog toward it, but feel a hands grab you. You try to scream, but there is already a hand covering your mouth so it comes our muffled. You bite down hard, and hear someone curse and let you go. You run three steps when someone else grabs you. This person holds your jaw shut and covers your eyes.

You feel arms pick you up, and when the hands over your eyes and mouth finally let you go, you find yourself in a shack time place. There are 4 boys around you.

"Hey pretty lady. What's your name?" a blond guy with black eyeliner asks.

"Dalton, you aren't aloud to flirt with this one! She is for the leader remember?" one that looks kind of like Bruno Mars warns.

"Come on Dana, you're just salty because she got out of your arms!" Teases a tall asian one.

"Stay out of this Will!" Dana shouts back. This whole time Dalton is getting closer and closer to you. It is only a matter of time before you hit the wall.

"Will all of you just shut up!" Yells the hispanic one. At that there is full out fighting. Everyone yelling at one another, and Dalton getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, the door flies open and you hear a voice shout, "ENOUGH!" All the boys go quiet, and Dalton quickly takes a big step backward. You turn around and see him. The leader of the gang. Cole Pendery. His beautiful brown eyes lock onto yours in an instant and he smerks. "So, I never heard you answer Dalton's question. What's your name pretty lady?"

"Esh-sha," you stutter, caught up in his eyes. He is one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. And he just called me pretty! You think.

"What are you doing out all alone this late princess?" Cole asks you, walking slowly toward you. Unlike when Dalton did it, you don't back away.

"It's not that late," you laugh. "The sun is only setting!" Where you got the courage to say that you have no idea, but it was worth it when you heard him laugh.

"Don't you know that when the sun sets the gangs come out?" Cole says, close to you now.

"What do the gangs do I wounder," you purr, again not sure how you are actually speaking in complete sentences with how your heart is fluttering and pounding.

"Oh, they get girls for their leaders," Cole replies, now standing right infront of you.

"And what-t do those leaders d-do?" This time you stutter. Cole only smiles wider at the stutter.

Quirking an eyebrow, he leans in so his mouth is to your ear and he whispers "Do you want to find out Esha?"

You swallow hard. You can't even nod. Your heart beats harder at the way your name rolls off his tongue. He must see it in your eyes though, because he smerks.

Taking a step forward, he cups your cheek in his hand and kisses you. He is gentle for a second then kisses harder, with more power. He pushes up up against the wall as he kisses you, and the other boys hoot. He smiles against your lips and whispers, "That is what leaders do to girls he finds hott." You blush again, and he puts his forehead against yours. "He slips a piece of paper into your back pocket, and walks out of the room. You take out the paper, and find a phone number and address written on it. You pocket it for latter referance. You promise yourself you will pay a visit to Cole again.

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