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For THEDAM7 ! So sorry for the delay I forgot to write it. I hope that you like it though!


You are walking down the street, heading to the IM5 concert. You and your family are on a vacation to LA, and they let you go to the concert. When you reach the building, You check your outfit. IM5 shirt, ripped blue jeans, and an IM5 hat. You were able to score front row seats, but didn't like the thought of walking in there all alone. Taking a deep breath, you head inside. There are so many girls around you it is unreal. How are there so many people here and I know none of them? You wonder, heading straight over to the ticket woman.  You hand it to her the ticket and he inspects it. 

"Lucky girl. You are front and center!" he says with a smile. "Have a good show!"

"Thanks! You too!" You say, walking away. Crap I did it again! You think in frustration. You have a tendency to do that a lot. Say "you too" at the wrong situation. You shake off the discomfort and head to the mob of girls. Inside the place, there were chairs in many rows. You are impatient to get to your spot, but there are girls everywhere you turn. 

You decide that you would try to go into a door before your's so it might be faster until you make it in. No such luck. There are girls everywhere, in the rows and isles, making so hard to get there. You finally reach your seat, when the lights dim. There is no time for you to sit. 

"Welcome everyone!" The announcer says in a loud voice. He runs up to the front of the stage. 

"Are you exited?" Your cover your ears as everyone screams. 

"I can't hear you!" he says glancing at you. This time you yell. You know how these types of things work.

 "So who's here to see im5?" He asks as if he doesn't know they are the only ones performing. You yell again, but not as loud as you can

"I guess we shouldn't keep you waiting. Give a huge welcome to IM5!" He says, running off the stage. 

The house lights go all of the way off, and so do the lights onstage. You quickly take out your phone, so you can record every second. In the darkness, you see three figures running. Music starts, and everyone screams, including you. Then the lights are on and they are singing "Heartless." The whole time they are dancing, and there is no fan interaction. But knowing the boys, there will be some. I hope I get some from Cole! 

"Whats up (your city)!" Dana says into the mic. Everyone cheers. 

"If you don't already know, We are IM5!" Gabe says, making everyone cheer.  "I'm Gabe," You cheer along.

"I'm Dana," You cheer along too. But saving the loud cheer for the next one. 

"And I'm Cole!" You scream as loud as you can. "We have a nice lineup for you tonight! So get pumped!" You all cheer, but quiet down as music starts to play.

They sing heartless, Hustle, Micheal Jackson, and more. Your heart seems to drop a bit when Cole is always on the sides, not interacting with the middle. Then, you hear the intro music to your favorite song of theirs. Touch Down Dance. It's also the one that Cole does the most interaction in, You think in hope.

"This will be our last song!" Dana says sadly. The room filled with "boos" and "aww"s. You feel your heart drop. There is only one more chance for Cole to notice you. And, your phone is at 20%. 

"Hope you had fun!" Cole shouts. Then they start singing. When it is Cole's part, he comes toward you. Your heart beat quickens in hope, but he sings to someone three girls over. The next chorus, he sings to a girl four people away from you on the other side. 

Soon, it is the last time they sing the Chorus. He makes eye contact with you, walking closer to the edge of the stage.  He takes your phone and sings into it, and sings with the boys. It is a perfect night. 

But then the lights go out. Everyone screams, and goes to their phones. At least one hundred girls have a flashlight. The rest use the light of others to get out. You are pushed and try to grab your bag from under your seat. When you finally get it, you stand up. Everyone is gone. It is pitch black.

"Hello?" You say, almost a whisper. You reach for your pocket, to remember that Cole has your phone. You try to walk in a straight like to get to an isle, but you trip and fall. You hear thunder, and rain hitting the roof. Sadly, there are no windows in this room, so no flashes of light. You try walking forward again, but fall backwards and land on your back. All of the air leaves your lungs. 

"Is anyone still in here?" A man asks from the doorway. He shines a light around, but you can't move. You can't speak. He leaves, and you finally get your breath back. You feel around for the stage, and follow the stage. It leads to a staircase, and you follow it up. You walk forward for a bit, before you just stand still to let your eyes get use to the blackness. 

"Hello?" You say louder. No one hears. Now, your eyes can make out shapes of things. But nothing makes since. Why are there so many boxes and stuff if this is a hallway?  You think in confusion. You make out the shape of a door and head to it. The door is heavy, but you make it in. But then it slams behind you. When you find that it is even darker in here, you try the handle. It turns, but the door won't budge. You try again and again but you only fail.

Giving up, you walk away from the door. You hit a wall. You try the other ways, but soon find out you are in some kind of storage closet. 

"Hello?" You say one more time, as loud as you can, hoping for a response. 

"Hello? Did I hear someone?" I hear a muffled voice ask. 

"Yes! I am in here! I can't get out!" You say, pounding on what you think was the door. 

"Do you have a light in there?" The person, a male, asks. 

"No! Cole-" You are cut off by the floor shaking violently. An earthquake! 

"We need to get you out of there! Stand back so I can push it!" The man shouts and you take a few steps back. You hear loud bangs, of someone pushing against the door. After about five he shouts "The door is jammed! Hang tight and I'll get the others!" You hear footsteps leading away and you wait. What does he mean by the 'others' you wonder. 

"I'm ba-" he was cut off by the ground shaking again. You fall over and a large box falls on top of your legs. You try to squeeze out, but you cry out in pain. You hear loud bangs. Then suddenly the door flies open.  Three boys fall in, one of their flashlights hitting you straight in the eye.

"Your-" One of them started, but another shake made them fall over again. 

"We need to get her out of here and safe!" the original on says, and after a few seconds the box is lifted of my legs. 

"Can you walk?" The third one asks, pulling you away.

"No," You say just before another earth quake hits. You look back and see a box land right where I was laying. 

"We need to move quick!" One says, and you feel strong arms lift me up. You cry out in pain as your legs are moved, but the person holding her just ran, following two flashlight beams ahead of him. Soon, you are in a small room with nothing else inside except people. There is a lantern hanging from the ceiling, and you're laid down on the ground. Your vision is blurry from tears, and you feel a soft finger whip the tears off your face.

"Hey, it's going to be okay!" The voice says in comfort. Then you see his face. 

It's Cole Pendery.


Well, I hope you liked it Angie! I might do a part two, but I'm not sure. Comment if you want a second part!

Love you all!

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