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This one is for my bff ThatAntiSocialPanda !! love u girl! I tried to use some of our inside jokes to make it more realistic! And I hope that if I ever met cole that I would act more civilized. Again, just message me your imagine!

Emily and you wait in your seats to try to avoid the rush. Soon however, you become board and hop into the crowd. When you finally get outside and away from all the sweaty body's, you talk.

"That was actually amazing! Thanks for dragging me along!" You say, bumping into Emily's shoulder.

"Told you!" Emily says bumping back. "I didn't even know that Cole was going to sing with him! Will and Cole's voices sound so good together! I haven't heard them sing together since, well, will left!" 

You block out Emily after that. You love her, but she can talk. A lot. All you can think about is how amazing will sang. His voice was so amazing! His songs were written so well too! And he didn't look to bad either. Suddenly, you realize that Emily wasn't next to you, or talking. You turn, and she stands right behind you. 

"Boop!" He yells, bopping your cheek. She turns and runs. This has been a thing between you since a sleepover. Now you have to boop her back. You look up and see Emily about to run into someone.

"Emily! Person!" You shout. It is too late. She runs face first into a guys chest. You run faster to catch up. You hear a screech. You finally ketch up to see Emily hugging the guy she ran into. You realize with surprise that it is Cole Pendery! Than you see Will. He is standing awkwardly next to Cole and Emily, as Emily continued to freak out. Just then, you realize how hot Will really is. You laugh at your friends reaction, and decide to introduce yourself to Will.

"Hey! Sorry for my friends reaction. I'm Miranda!" You say to him. When he looks into your eyes your heart seems to stop. 

"Hey Miranda. I'm Will," Will stutters. "Oh I guess you already know my name," He blushes, and you laugh. They way your name rolls off his tongue make your heart flutter. 

"OMG! And Will!" Emily shouts and gives him a hug. He is almost a foot taller. That makes you laugh. You introduce yourself to Cole.

You turn to Will. "I loved your songs! They were so good! And your voice was amazing!" You praise. He blushes. You guys talk for a while more, than you get a text from you dad asking where you are. Your heart drops when you realize that you have to stop talking to Will, and most likelywoun't see him again. t

"We have to go guys. I'm sorry, " you say sadly. Will seems crestfallen. 

"Could I maybe have your number?" He asks carefully. You smile and nod, blushing. You quickly exchange phones, and when he gives you back his, he kisses your cheek. Best night ever.

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