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this is not for anyone. I haven't had any requests recently so ya. I thought of this recently and I wanted to post it, so here it is!!
You exit the concert, feeling better than ever. You saw IM5 live for the first time. You were it the front row, and he kissed your hand. You go onto your phone to text your mom to tell her she can pick you up, when it gets hit out of your hand. You look up to see three girls surrounding you. The back you into a corner and you loose sight of your phone.
"W-what do you want?" You stutter.
"You think your good enough for Cole don't you?" The blonde on sneers.
"No," You start to say but the redhead cuts you off by pushing you into the wall.
"Do you really think that Cole would ever like you?" The brown haired one sneers.
"You with your hair styled like a dued's and eyebrows like that?" The redhead states.
"Not to mention how small you are," The blond starts.
"And all of your zits," the brown finishes. You feel the tears start to gather in my eyes. You breath in a shaky breath.
"Oh is the little girl going to cry?" The redhead asks. You try to stop the tears but feel one streak down my cheek.
"Aww the poor baby is crying," the blonde one laughs.
"Cry baby cry. cry baby cry." They all start chanting. This only makes the tears fall faster and they fall back laughing. You take the opportunity to push away and run to the nearest bathroom.
You make sure that no one is in it and you look at my puffy eyes in the mirror. I am ugly you think.. My hair is messy, my eyes are puffy. I am short and my eye brows aren't in any style. My hair is cut short like a guys, my fringe too long. I can see at least a dozen zits too. The girls were right. Why would Cole even give me a second look.
Fresh tears run down my face as your search threw your purse for your old friend. It was a pocket knife. You put it on the counter, and removed the many bracelets covering the scars on your wrist. Finding a new spot, you dig the razor deep into your skin. You dig it deeper than you should. The pain is like hot fire and you start to drag the blade threw the skin at the depth you sunk your blade.
When you finally remove the blade, you see that this scare is longer than you have ever made them. by the amount of blood, you know it is deeper too. Most likely deeper than it should be. Relishing the pain as you put the bracelets back on and a paper towel under them to hide the blood, you finally leave the restroom.
The lobby is pretty much deserted, all of the girls gone. You search around where you dropped your phone and fine the crushed remains. Mom is never going to get me a new one. You think miserably. You kneel down and pick up the remains. As you kneel down you hear voices. Just then your bag spills across the floor around you. You let out a frustrated cry and you start to pock everything up.
"Here let me help!" A voice says. You turn to see a guy kneeling by you. You automatically recognize him. You stand up and start to back away. He looks up at you in confusion.
"Hey whats wrong?" Cole asks standing up. You turn and run. He can't see me like this! You think in a panic.
"Wait!" he yells running behind you. He grabs into your wrist and you cry out in pain. You fall to your knees as pain envelops you. His eyes widen and he kneels beside you. Because of the pain there is nothing you can do as he removes your bracelets and finds a blood socked paper towel.
"How did this happen!" He exclaims as he removes the paper towel to examine the cut. He looks up at you and you turn away, tears running down your cheeks.
"Hey did you do this t-to yourself?" he asks, his voice breaking. You can't look at him. You stare at the blood soaking your shirt as you clutch your arm to your chest. You start to feel dizzy and almost fall over but he ketches you.
"JILL!" Cole shouts in a panic. "JILL! DANA! GABE!" He thinks fast and take off his shirt and raps it around your arm. You can't concentrate on anything. You hear footsteps and see two blurry figures run up to you and Cole. You blink and look up at Cole as one of the figures runs backstage. You meet Cole's eyes that are filled with worry.
"You are going to be okay," He says, just before you black out.

You wake up to a steady beeping sound. You blink rapidly and look around. You see you are in a hospital. Next to the bed is a chair. In the chair is none other than Cole Pendery. The one who saved your life. When he sees that your awake his face lights up.
"(y/n) your awake!" He exclaims happily.
"How?" you start.
"We found your mom and dad. They told us. They weren't able to come though." Cole explains. You look away as the situation fully hits you. You almost died and your mom and dad still didn't care. Cole Pendery had seen you with your eyes puffy from crying. Cole Pendery caught you cutting. Cole Pendery saw your scares. No one knew that you cut yourself. Not even your closest friend.
"I'm sure they would be here if they could," Cole says trying to get you to look at him again. You let out a laugh.
"They wouldn't be here if I was dying," You sneer.
"Thats not true," Cole starts but you cut him off.
"You don't know what it is like to be me. My closest friend is the person I sit with in silence all lunch with. I have no brothers or sisters and my parents work all the time. And if they aren't working they are leaving me home alone as the go on a vacation for a week. I don't know why you are still here but you can go now. I am use to being alone," you still don't look at him. He cups your cheek and moves it so you are looking into his beautiful eyes. "I am here (Y/N) because I care. I am here because I was and am worried about you. I am here because I can't stand to leave such a beautiful girl all alone." And with that he leans in and kisses you.
did you like it? I almost cried making this. So ya.

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