M - Multitasker

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It was the start of school.

I haven't met Seokjin from that day onwards. It is one month. He messaged me that he is busy on a project, so I didn't want to bother him.

But that helps me clear all the thoughts about him. His angelic smile, big eyes with blank face and his stupidity of shouting the sentence in the park. What was that sentence again? No don't remember, don't put in back into my mind.

My goal now it is to get good results and get the dream job that I really want, which is being a Lawyer.

All I have to do is to focus in my studies and get from being the 10th person to the top, then I am happy with my future life.

But that is one thing. Some people is transferring into my class. Not one but three. It doesn't affect me until I know who they are.

They are the 3 top students from one of the afternoon classes. Why it is them? Anyways one of them is my friend, another is my cousin.

"Hello everyone, I am Kim Seokjin and these are" Seokjin introduced in front of my class with two other person.

"Kim Taehyung" Tae form his usual square like smile that I have seen so many times while growing up.

"And Jeon Jungkook." The other guy continued. He look as cute as Seokjin, but with a little fetus look.

After the introduction, my lecturer told them to take places beside me, which is a good chance to communicate with Seokjin. And that other guy too.

Seokjin was my seatmate on my right while that new guy was with my cousin on my left.

The new guy was closer too me then Tae, so I can talk to him and started at his wonderful fetus face.

But all that happy memories came flooding back when I am with Seokjin. For that I started to admire Seokjin as well. Why am I such a multitasker?

It was Mathematics. Seokjin and I exchanged study tips and I blush everytime I talk with him. I also secretly took a look at that new friend they going to introduce to me later at the corner of my eye. This is to prevent Seokjin spoting me look at that cute little fetus.

It was recess time.

I followed along the three guys to the canteen. We plopped down on our seats after taking our food.

"Oh Haerin?" Seokjin called me before we even started on our food.


"This is Jeon Jungkook." The new guy which sat diagonally opposite of me reach out his hand.

I shook it and blush a little. Sure do he is cute! But I don't know who should I fall for? Jungkook or Seokjin?

"YAH!" Taehyung shouted at me unknowingly. I snapped out of my thought and gave a stern look at Tae. This is how my Alien cousin behave.

"Mind your manners!" I used that sharp tone. Taehyung just ignored by showing his tongue at me. I regretted for sitting opposite of him.

We quickly eat our food and headed back to classroom. Jungkook and I started talking about school life and Seokjin was seen with Tae, doing all those weird faces.

It was Music and everyone headed for the Music room. We have a group activity and we have to sing along a Korean song and changing the lyrics. Tae kept talking alien language, Seokjin and Jungkook kept doing the job. We took turns to sing the original song and our version. Seokjin's voice was sweet. Jungkook's voice was smooth and high. My voice was like eardrums bursting but Seokjin and Jungkook complimented it. But surprisingly, Tae can change his tone of his voice. For the first time, I am so proud to have a cousin like this.

It was finally after school.

We took bus to the shopping mall and took a heartwarming meal at the fast food restaurant.

"Yah so how was the day?" Seokjin asked me.

"Fun! I like the part that Tae can sing!" I answered excitedly.

"Yah! So you assume that I can't sing before that, right!" Taehyung glared at me firmly, while I payback with a stick out of my tongue.

"Guys stop fighting! Let's hangout after this! Do you want, Haerin?" Jungkook flashed his smile. It is so fetus-like, so so cute.

"Yes! Of course!" I immediately replied.

After our lunch, we took the lift to the highest level of the shopping mall. It has a playing ground and filled with all the greeneries. We played many games, spin the bottle and charades.

It is almost 7pm.

We seperate ways to our houses and I arrived home save and sound. It was so fun with them. Just with every single day fill with that much excitement. Perfect. I have a new goal. And it even important than the current one. My new goal it is have friends like them. Forever.

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