Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

"Lou calm down. I can explain but you have to be quiet someone might hear you." I say.

"Fine this better be a good reason for doing this to Zayn." he says sitting down on the bed.

" So you know when you took me out and I got really drunk: He nods and I continue "well I came back with that one girl but I kept saying I wish she was Ally and I called her. She came and told the girl that she can handle me. Ally told me that I confessed my love for her and we ended up having sex. I was too drunk to remember but I ended up hearing her tell Eleanor about it when I came back to get your phone the other night. Then Eleanor let us talk and we ended up thinking it was best if we didn't tell anyone we were together because of Zayn. The next day Ally broke it off with Zayn and I feel so guilty about what happened but I love her and I don't want to lose her again. I don't know what I would do with myself if I wasn't with her." I say waiting for a response from Lou.

"How could you do this? Zayn is heartbroken and you are so happy, you stole her from him. You need to tell Zayn. He needs to know before someone else tells him. Or you could not date his wife. You are such an idiot. I can't believe you would this." He says not understanding.

"Don't tell anyone! Ally would hate me, she wants to tell Zayn." I beg him.

"Harry I know you are my best friend but why would you be so stupid to go and steal one of your best mates girl. I don't think you see the pain Zayn is in. He lost the one thing he loves and you took that from him!" Lou yells.

"I didn't steal her she left him for me. I didn't try to make her love me. I wish I wasn't in love with Zayn's wife but I am." I say.

"I can't even believe you are doing this. What kind of friend does this? Would you do this if you were in love with El?  I am thankful its not El you are in love with. I just think you are an idiot! I don't even know what to say anymore. I hope you tell Zayn soon, so I don't have to keep this a secret."

"I will talk to Ally tonight about it and only you and Eleanor knows about us." I say.

"I am going to get ready for rehearsal. Just be smart and hope this is something you really want and is worth all these consequences" He says then opening the door for me to leave.

"Thank you" I say walking out.

I really thought Lou would understand. He seems to be upset with me. He is my best friend, the one I go to when I need someone to talk to. What am I going to do now that he is disappointed in me? I thought he would help me with this or at least be happy for me.

Ally POV

I can't believe I am on my way to the jail my dad is in. I just remember him being a loving father, I would never think he would murder my mother. Maybe this was a bad idea to go. I am scared to talk to him. .

The car ride was quiet. We get past security and are sitting at a table waiting for our dad to come. I am so nervous. Kyle must have known and grab my hand.  I hear the door open and a man in an orange jump suit with handcuffs walks in. Dad.

"Hey princess how are you? I haven't seen you in years! I miss you!" he says.

Kyle whispers in my ear "remember he killed our mom"

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill our mom?" I ask.

"Ally, what have you been up to? Kyle won't tell me anything about you." He says ignoring my question.

"She asked you a question I think you should answer it." Kyle says with a serious tone.

"If you really want to know I will tell you but I never meant to hurt you guys. I never stopped loving you. I need you two to believe me when I say I didn't mean for this to happen. I wish I could go back to that day and not done what I had done but I can't."

He took a pause.

"You guys know that mom and I had always fought about things but that day it was worse. We were fighting and she threatened to leave and take you guys with her. I told her she would never win. Then she went up stairs and started to pack her bag. I saw her and I tried to get her to stop when she pushed me out of the way. I pulled her back and didn't know my own strength and she flew back and hit her head on the bed post. She then got up and she looked so scared. She ran to the dresser and pulled out the gun. I told her to put it down but she didn't. I walked to her and grabbed her hand and she was trying to shoot the gun. But then I had it in my hand and pulled the trigger. I didn't mean to. It happened to fast. I regret it. I love your mom and always will. Please understand I didn't mean to."

He stopped talking and just sat there staring at us waiting for a response. I was crying at this point and so was Kyle.

"Ally I think we should go." He says getting up from his chair.

I was in shock. I could not move.

Everything around me went black. I don't remember what happened next.

I woke up in the hospital bed with Kyle and the boys in the room. Why does this happen a lot?


Sorry for the late update but there should be another one soon. I hope you like and please vote!

I thank everyone for reading! I almost have 800 reads! I can't thank you enough I didn't think I would even get more than 20! Please comment and vote!

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