Chapter 1

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A/N: this is my first story I am writing so let me know what you think. If you could please vote and tell your friends to check out this story, that would be great, The first 2 chapters are slow but keep reading  it gets better, trust me. ENJOY!


-sara xox


"Where am I?" I ask but my voice is a little horse.

"You are in a hospital, you were in a horrible motorcycle accident and you were in a coma for some time" the nurse said in a calming voice.

"For how long?" I ask, not sure of what is going on with five strangers looking at me.

"Allison, it was for about a month, I'm so glad you are awake, I missed you so much babe" one of the strangers said. He had black hair that must have taken hours to get perfectly styled.

"I'm sorry but, who are you? I don't know any of you" I say and all there faces go to worry and the one with the perfect hair starts to get teary eyed.

"Allison, do you really not know any of these boys?" the nurse asks.

"No...where are my parents and my brothers?" I say a bit confused.

"Boys can you give Allison some space... she seems to have lost her memory" the nurse says as the five boys leave. But one turns around, he has perfect hair and really nice brown eyes.

"Can I stay?" he says, he still has tears in his eyes. Why was he crying? Am I suppose to know him?

"Sure, just have a seat" the nurse says

"Allison, you must have lost your memory in the accident. So that is why you don't recognize the boys that were in here earlier. They are really close to you, so they may be strangers to you now but they are really great guys. I am going to go get a doctor to come check on you, but in the mean time your husband will stay with you." the nurse says and leaves the room.

Okay, so I had a motorcycle accident and lost my memory. What was I doing on a motorcycle? And I know those five boys. Who are they and where is my family? Wait did she just say husband! HUSBAND! That can't be! I am only 16 years old, can you even get married at that age. I am in 10th grade, living with my parents, what is going on!

"Ally, babe, I know you don't know who I am, but my name is Zayn Malik and I am your husband." the boy with the black hair and brown eyes or should I say Zayn my husband. So that makes me Mrs. Malik. 

I Am Mrs. Malik? (One Direction Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang