Chapter 18

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Ally's POV

I asked Kyle if he would drop me off at the hotel and he had no problem with that. I told him I wanted to have some girl time with Eleanor. He said he would get a room at the hotel so I didn't have to worry about going back to his house. I appreciate that Kyle is doing this for me.

"Okay so I am staying in room 208, here is your room key. Have fun!" Kyle says as he hands me the room key.

I get on the elevator and get to El's floor, which is also the one the boys are staying on. Hopefully they have already gone out. I walk down the all to her room and knock on the door.

"Come  in!" She yells.

I open the door and walk in.

"Hey" I say going to sit on the couch.

"Sorry for the mess Lou couldn't decide on what to wear...He can act like a girl sometimes" She says laughing.

"Well it looks like he has a good taste in clothes" I say looking around at the shirts and pants scattered throughout the room.

"So how have you been? How's seeing your brother?" She says as she is cleaning up the clothes.

"Um well I am not staying with James anymore...I am staying with my other brother Kyle."

"Oh really what happened was it because he won't let you see Zayn?" She says joining me on the couch.

"Um no he called me a slut so Kyle said I could stay with him because he did not want me treated like that..." I say remembering how serious James was when he called me that.

" could he call you that? You are far from that" She says.

"Um well...the reason I called you is because of why my brother called me a slut....I don't know what to do. I need your advice." I say nervous to tell her about Harry.

"Tell me what you need help with, I am always here for you. We are best friends even though you don't really remember..." She says giggling a bit.

"Well you know last night when Harry and Lou went out and got really drunk?"  I ask kind of stalling.

"Yeah, Lou was so trashed and He said Harry brought a brunette back with him."

"Well, when Harry got back to the room with the girl, he started to cry because he wanted me, not the girl in his room. He called me and I had James drive me to the hotel and when I got there he was so happy to see me. I told the girl I will handle him from now on and the girl left...." I took a deep breath. "please don't judge me of what I am going to tell you next. I don't need judgment I need advice."

"I could never judge you we all make mistakes, so what happened after she left?"

"Harry told me how much he loved me and we...we had sex....but he doesn't remember so I only know and now you...I can't believe I did this to Zayn. He will never forgive me." I say pretty much nervously ranting because I didn't want to hear what Eleanor's response was.

"Ally, its okay. We will figure this out and you are not a slut, you only slept with one guy, just not your boyfriend." she says making me laugh.

"What should I do?" I say starting to get teary eyed think of how Zayn will react.

"Well what are your feelings for Harry?"

"I like him a lot but he rejected me when I remembered him and our past. I was heartbroken and that is when Zayn was there for me and I thought I could really fall in love with Zayn but then Harry confessed his love and I don't know what to do" I say now letting the tears fall.

"Don't cry, It seems like you love Harry more than Zayn. I think you should tell Zayn that you don't think you guys will work. It will break his heart but it is better for him and I think you should talk to Harry to but just tell him what really happened that night. Don't make any relationship decisions. I think you need to stay with Kyle and have a break from these boys for awhile."  She says and gives me a hug.

"I think I will do that. Thanks!" I say giving her a smile.

"I am always here to talk. Do you want me to have some Ice cream delivered, I get to charge it on the boys bill. Its the perks of being a girlfriend of the biggest boy band." she says making us both laugh.

"Sure I think I need some after sleeping with Harry" I say.

That's when I noticed someone had come into the room. I just freeze. Oh shit.

I Am Mrs. Malik? (One Direction Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ