Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV

Ally finally gets to come home. I can't wait for her to be around again, even if she doesn't know who I am, just her being in the same room makes me happy. I almost lost her. It was my fault we got into that accident. If I didn't beg her to go for a ride with me on my new motorcycle, she would have her memory.

The boys and I have cleaned the house. We all live together, since we have been touring lately. This might come to a shock to Ally when she finds out 4 boys also live with her. It can get a bit crazy, but I told the boys to try to keep it calm for Ally.

I wonder how she will react to the fact I am in one of the biggest boy bands in the world. One Direction. We had to put the tour on hold because of Ally, I am so thankful Simon was so understanding.

Okay time to bring my wife home.

Ally's POV

Today I get to go home with Zayn. He is a stranger to me. All I know is that he is my husband and he is British. I am really scared I don't remember 4 years of my life. I have so many questions, I hope Zayn knows the answer to.

I got up to go change out of my hospital gown in the bathroom before Zayn comes to get me. Zayn packed me a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with some guy named Ed Sheeran on it. I wonder who that is? I guess I went to his concert. I go into the bathroom to change, I look into the mirror. I have long blonde wavy hair. I remember my hair being dyed brown and it came down  to my shoulders. I went back to my natural color, I like it. I guess that is one thing I approve of, of my new life. I finish getting changed and when I come out of the bathroom, Zayn is sitting on the bed. I just give him a small smile.

"Hey love" he says and gets up and gives me a hug.


This hug is so awkward for me. He pulls away giving me a smile. He has a cute smile.

"Let's get you home"

He says and leads me out the door. We walk side my side through the hallway, to the waiting room and to the front doors. Zayn stops before we go out the door.

"We are just going to wait for my friend to bring the car around."

"Okay, you don't drive?" Why would he need someone to drive, he has to be at least 20, if not 21.

"um I can drive...its just better for my friend Paul to drive us back home." he says, seeming a little nervous.

"oh, are they one of the guys that were here when I woke up?"

"no, they were other friends"

"you seem to have a lot of friends" I say laughing a bit. which makes Zayn smile.

"yeah, well they are your friends too, you just kinda forgot..."

I just look down, how am I going to get my memory back.

"but, don't worry you will just become friends with them again, they are really fun to be around."

He is trying his best to making me feel comfortable, but its just awkward, I don't know anything here.

"oh look there is Paul, lets go then." Zayn say as we walk out of the door and into the car.


Paul pulls into the gated driveway of a huge house. This house is at least 3 floors. I live here? I must have some money. As I look out the window, I see that there is a wrap around porch. I get over the fact that I live here.

The car comes to a stop and I am still in shock that I live here. Zayn gets out of his side of the car and comes and opens my door for me. He gives me his hand, but I don't take it. He still feels like a stranger.

"Sorry...but I still don't know you" I say

"It's this way" he says as he leads me up the stairs on to the deck and through the door.

"OH MY!" I walk in and the house is beautiful. It is everything I ever dreamed of and more. I just stand there in awe, my mouth literally in a O.

Zayn laughs as he watches my reaction. "Do you want me to show you around?"

"oh sure, well I am kinda tired. Can you just show me where my room is?" I say, I just want to be alone, I miss my parents and my brothers. I am now in a mansion with a strange guy, that I am married to. Why did this happen to me?

"of course" He says, he seems a little disappointed. "Right this way"

I follow him up the stairs and we reach the second floor. where we go down a long hallway that has about 4 rooms and 2 bath rooms. Why do we have so many rooms? I keep following Zayn down the hall and then we go up another stair case and to the right there is a door.

"Here is our room, and the bathroom is just down the hall to the left" Zayn says, and opens the door.

I walk in and there is a king sized bed and a big screened T.V on the wall. I walk in and look at the dresser. I walk over and look at the pictures on it. There is a picture of me and Zayn, of which looks like our wedding. I look so happy. So in love.

How am I going to love Zayn, a complete stranger.

"well I hope you get to rest, being in your own bed. If you need anything just push the red button on the phone on the night stand, um it allows you to call every room in the house." Zayn says



Zayn's POV

I walk down stairs to the living room  and sit on the couch. I turn on the T.V. When I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and see that its management.

"Hello" I say as I pick it up.

"Zayn, I hear that Ally is out of the hospital."

"yeah I just brought her home"

"Well, since she is now better, we are going to continue the tour. So it will start in a week. We will be traveling to the USA, So rehearsal will be on Friday and Saturday. So see you then, Bye."


I have a week to tell Ally everything. The reason she moved to London, about her parents and about One Direction. I don't know how she will react. She still treats me like a stranger. I need to call the boys. I have a week for her to trust me and so she is willing to go on tour with us.

Management doesn't know that Ally lost her memory. What if the press finds out. How is management going to react.



I hope you like the story. Its going to start getting interesting now. Sorry for the slow start. Let me know what you think! Comment, Vote! Please!

-sara xox

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