"Hey man" Harry said back to Ed.

"Hey is this Cassie? Your cousin you told me about."

"Yup. That's her."

"Hey Cassie. I have heard a lot about you." Ed said as he gave my a hug. Oh.My.God. Ed Sheeran  just gave me a hug. 

"Hey." I said back. I should have said something else. I bet to him I was standing there looking just like another loser shaking like crazy.

"She is in a little bit of a shock. She is a huge fan. Haha Lego House is even her favorite song of all time. Even her ringtone too." Good thing Harry said something Caus ei was standing there like an idiot.

"Really? A Fan?  Well then let me see your phone." I obeyed and reached into my back pocket to grab my phone. Ed grabbed my phone and took out a Sharpie. He signed the back of my phone!!! And then I could barely believe my eyes what he did next. He put his number into my phone! I have Ed Sheeran's number now!! OMG! Here comes all the fangirling. he handed my phone back then winked at me.

"Call me sometime"  Then he walked off. I Couldn't believe what just happened. I just met one of my idols. And got an autograph. And his freaken phone number!!   

" Did that- that-" we stepped into the elevator.

"Haha yes. Yes it did just happen." Harry said as he pressed the button for the 4th floor. "And try not to look so nervous, love. Simon can practically smell nerves. He was a Xfactor judge." I let out a little laugh when he said that.

We arrived on the right floor then Harry started walk down a long hallway. So I followed him. We went almost all the way to the end of the hallway and stopped and a door on the right.  He knocked on the door politely. Then walked in without an answer from the other side.

"Uncle Simon?"

"Yes, Come in. Come in." Harry grabbed my hand and walked in. Simon was behind a big desk sitting in a nice leather chair. He got up and walked around to the other side of the desk that we were on. Harry let go of my hand and gave Simon a friendly handshake then moved to the side to go sit down. Simon came up to me and gave me a hug.

"You are looking very lovely today Cassie." I blushed.

"Thank you Mr. Cowell."

"No, please call me Simon." I gave him a quick nodded as a motioned me to a chair next to Harry. Harry was all comfortable and we sitting all lounged out in the chair. Simon went back to his seat behind the big desk. He folded his hands and set them done on the desk.

"Okay Cassie. So do you know why I asked you to come here?"


"Well good. Looks like the boys kept their mouths shut. Thank you Harry." Harry gave Simon a nod like he was saying 'you're welcome'.

"Okay Well, I am sure you have noticed that Niall is not here with us in London." Simon said. I gave him a nod. So I guess this entire thing was going to be about Niall.

"Well Niall called me and he would like me to talk to you. Well first off he says he is sorry. And I don't know what for and I do not please to get involved with your guys problems.  And it isn't my problem unless it affects his career. Now, do you know where Niall is right now?" I nodded at Simon.

"Yes, he is in the States. In California."

"Yes. And he cant come home. I am sorry. Niall wanted me to tell you this. He didn't want to tell you himself. Since the Press knows that the boys are here, and if Niall was to come here, he be put onto a plane. Full of people. If he was seen as the 'Niall Horan from One Direction' and he wasn't with the other mates, it come across as the band is broken up." Niall had explained this to me before. But since Niall told me this already I figured there was something else to the story. 

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