Handsome! Grandpa! Alone!

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in like a month, I suck I know. What kind of person leaves off with their OC getting kidnapped? I'm so sorry again! This chapter is really long because I haven't updated in awhile and there is so much I wanted to get out of the way in this chapter. Some parts may not make any sense (the timeskip) but bare with me here because I was iffy about writing so much and wanted to make the "unnecessary" parts go by quicker. Thank you so much for sticking with me, now that I have this out of the way I'm sure I will be updating sooner. Enjoy!


*Sukoshi's POV*

"Daddy Zoro!" I cried, struggling to get out of the bag.

"Duval, we couldn't get you Luffy but we got you second best." a man sighed.

"What's second best?" the man named Duval asked.

"One of their daughters." he laughed.

I was trying to get the net off of me so I could get out of the bag, but my thoughts kept going back to the Marines who handcuffed and hurt me. Every time I grabbed the net I felt weak, just like with the cuffs.

"Daddy Zoro's always working out, he'd be so disappointed in my weakness." I sobbed thinking back to when he helped me workout.


(Sukoshi's POV)

"Zoro I want to be as strong as you! Can you train me!?" I yelled running into the Crowsnest and tripping over a weight.

"Sure, first lesson. Watch where you're walking." he laughed as he caught me.

"But you're the one that always gets lost!" I teased.

"I don't get lost, to start off you're gonna give me five pushups." he yawned.

"What are pushups, can you show me?" I asked.

"Like this." he informed getting onto his hands and toes.

*End Flashback*

(Sukoshi's POV)

"You brought me The Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro's daughter!" a man with a country accent yelled.

"Well I didn't know that, that was the Zoro she was yelling for." another man mumbled.

"He's gonna kill us...get rid of her!" the man with the country accent yelled.

"We could still use her for something." a man sighed.

"Like what? Certain death!" Duval asked.

"I'll find something." he informed.

"Leave her here for now." Duval sighed opening the bag and the net before going over to his desk and taking his mask off.

"Come out when you're ready!" he yelled to me.

"Sanji?" I asked peeking out of the bag.

"What did you just call me?" he yelled in a country accent.

"Duval! Just calm down." the other man yelled as I hid my face back in the bag.

"That's not Sanji, that's his evil twin brother!" I screamed in terror.

"That's it! She's not staying here! Take her to Disco!" Duval screamed in his country accent.

"You shouldn't have said anything." one of his men said as he closed the bag and took me away.

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