The Fireblast in the Flames

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*Ace's POV*

When I got to the island I docked my boat and looked around to see if the others had gotten here first.

"What's that?" I whispered to myself as dark smoke filled the air.

I thought maybe it was Luffy and Shanks causing trouble for the villagers, but I didn't see their ships anywhere, so I automatically thought that it was a forest fire caused by a volcano. I kept walking towards the smoke, and the closer I got the more I could smell burning flesh. I ran as fast as I could towards the thickening smoke. It was so thick I couldn't see anything in the forest, the closer I got the more I knew that my first thought was wrong. It wasn't a forest fire caused by a volcano, someone had set the town on fire deliberately.

When I saw the bright flames from the burning town I noticed bloody corpses laying everywhere, some of them were on fire along with many of the houses that were swiftly becoming piles of burning rubble and ash. It looked like a massacre, and I could tell that it happened recently. The fire was still blazing and the corpses weren't decomposed.

"Who would do something like this?" I mumbled to myself as I walked around the burning town looking for survivors.

The more I looked at the dead corpses of the townspeople the more pissed off I became. I noticed another house that had just recently caught on fire, the wall was slowly crumbling in. It was the last house near the meadow in front of the lake. I walked over to the house and went inside. I could hear what sounded like quick, but faint breathing and started looking at the bodies for a survivor.

Directly in front of me was an older man who looked like he was in his late thirties, early forties. He had a stab wound in his throat, I didn't bother checking for a pulse. I could tell just by looking at him that he was already dead. A couple of feet away there was a young girl who must have been his daughter. She was shot in the head, I couldn't tell exactly how old she was because there was blood everywhere and I couldn't get a clear view of her face. Towards the back of the house there was another body, an older woman who must have been the guys wife. She had a wound in her stomach and shoulder. I checked for a pulse, but she didn't have one.

I looked around a bit more and noticed another body closer to the back door. I wouldn't have noticed it, but it had pale purple hair and was extremely pale. I walked over and noticed it was a little girl. She couldn't have been older than ten years old. I didn't have to check for a pulse, I could hear her raspy shallow breaths. There was a lot of blood so I didn't move her. I applied pressure to her chest wound to try to stop the bleeding.

"I only have to keep her alive until Luffy or Shanks comes, one of their doctors can take over. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!" I started freaking out when I realized the girls head was cracked open and blood was forming a puddle around her head.

"What the hell do I do, I'm not a doctor!" I mumbled to myself as I began to panic more.

I heard shouting in the distance so I blasted a fire ball through the ceiling, causing the ceiling to explode outwards, as a signal to whoever was outside.

"Luffy? Shanks?" I yelled as loud as I could hoping that they would hear me.

"Ace! We're coming!" Luffy yelled back.

When I heard his voice I felt relieved.

"Luffy, come to the house without a roof. Bring Chopper, and hurry!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Is someone hurt?"

"Just hurry!" I yelled moving so I was applying pressure to both her chest wound and her head wound.

"Ace! We followed the fireblast. Where are you?" Luffy yelled, I could hear the mixture of fear and confusion in his voice.

"Hurry Luffy, we're in here. Where's Chopper?" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Ace what'd you do? Did they make you mad or something?" he asked as he found his way into the house.

"I didn't do this you idiot! Where's Chopper?"

"I'm here, what's going on?" Chopper asked stepping into the building and up to the girl.

"Can we move her outside?" Luffy asked picking his nose with his left pinky finger.

"No, she's not stable. If we move her she'll die." Chopper explained as he examined her.

"Whoa...the house is on fire, awesome! I'm in a burning house!" Luffy laughed.

"This isn't fun and games Luffy!" I yelled smacking him upside the head.

"I need to stabilize her before we can move her and I need more room. Everyone out!" Chopper yelled.

He spent the next five minutes barking out orders to his crew mates and the members of Shank's crew so he could get her stabilized faster. They were all running around trying to get what they were told to as fast as was possible. A while later Chopper came out of the house. Tears in his eyes and the little girl in his arms.

"Did she make it?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to him.

"She's stable, help me find some shade away from the fire." he smiled attempting to wipe the tears from his eyes with his shoulders.

"Ace! Why's Chopper crying?" Luffy asked waiving at me.

"I can't tell you guys, it's between me and the girl. I'm her doctor, I can't just tell you guys that stuff. Just be nice to her when she wakes up she's going to be emotionally and physically pained." he explained carrying her over to the forest lining where Nami and Robin were sitting.

"He said it's none of our business Luffy!" I yelled.

"Help me put her here, Nami and I will watch over her until she wakes up." Chopper ordered as Nami and Robin made a bed out of huge leaves.

The Danger of The Flower (A One Piece Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang