The Unexpected Bond

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*Third Person POV*

After Luffy made his declaration they spent the rest of the afternoon eating and sharing tales of the different adventures they had been on. The main story teller was Usopp. All of the others, with the exception of Robin and Sukoshi, spent their time sitting around the fire listening to Usopp's far fetched tales. Yasopp was unfortunately the only one that believed in everything Usopp told them. Perhaps it was just the alcohol in his system, or maybe he couldn't call his son a liar.

While everyone was listening to Usopp, Robin and Sukoshi were sitting by their own personal fire. Ace had thought that it would be a better idea to have Sukoshi away from the men she barely knew and was afraid of. Not to mention she didn't want to be around the drinking men anyway, and Robin was content enough to sit with her while each of them enjoyed different books. It wasn't long after everyone started drinking more heavily that many of them started to pass out from exhaustion, but it wasn't until everyone had fallen asleep and the glowing embers of the fire started to die down that Robin and Sukoshi made their way to bed as well.

*Ace's POV*

It started out as a fierce battle, one that I was winning until Blackbeard's men captured Luffy. At that point I shifted my focus from taking down Blackbeard to rescuing Luffy. There was something different about him though, Luffy was eight years old.

That's not right, he's older now.

As soon as I realized what was going on Blackbeard had devoured Luffy using his dark dark fruit. My heart was pounding harder than I'd ever felt before, I knew it was a dream, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my eyes to open and emerge from this nightmare. Once my eyes cooperated I woke to the rising sun. Everyone else was still asleep and ignorant to the nightmare that I had just awakened from.

*Sukoshi's POV*

I woke up to the sound of sticks breaking and leaves crunching. The sun was starting to come up so it was still kind of dark out. I got up and looked around, that was when I noticed Ace pacing back and forth. I started walking over to him, being careful so I didn't startle him.

"Ace, is something wrong?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

He jumped and turned around, I guess trying not to startle him didn't help.

"Oh, Sukoshi. Did I wake you?" he asked rubbing the back of his head.

"No, but what's wrong?" I asked walking over to a tree and sitting down.

He walked up and sat down next to me.

"It's nothing, just a bad dream that kinda freaked me out."

"What happened in it?"

"Luffy died by a man I'm gonna be hunting down after I leave this island."

"At least it was just a dream. I don't think you have to worry though, you all seem pretty strong to me." I tried to reassure him even though I didn't fully understand the situation.

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