"Not quite." Said Xander.

"But close enough. So what do you need my help with." He said walking over to a chair and putting his cane down.

"Well these guys need some help. There dimension is at war and Redblood is helping there enemy, also three of them are the ones." Said Ash.

Owen nodded. "So you want me to train them?" He asked closing his eyes.

"Yes." Replied Ash.

"I'll be glade too...However I think it will be a good idea to train all of you if you even want a chance to defeat him." Said Owen.

"With all do respect..." I began.

"I know you might think your powerful enough but your not. Redblood trained all his life and traveled the world learning techniques, new powers and anything else you can think of. He is more powerful then you can even imagine. Oh and he can kill someone just by looking them in the eyes, so would you like to go up against him with only knowing what you do?" Owen asked. I just stood there speechless, not knowing what to answer.

"So do you think you can train them?" Asked Ash.

"Of course. If I can train you and your brother I believe I can train anyone." Replied Owen.

"Great." Replied Ash.

"Now that I think about it I think it will be a good idea to see what you can do....you too Xander." Said Owen.

"Well you see...I...um...." Said Ash.

"Good, training starts first thing tomorrow. But I would like to know your names." He said ignoring Ash.

"Thats Anakin, that's Ahsoka, Shatter, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Waxer and Rex." Said Scarlett.

"Notice to meet all of you." Said Owen standing up. Then I noticed that Hardcase took a breath.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Owen directly to Hardcase.

"Uh..no." He replied.

"Right...so that's why you have been sighing since you walked in here." He said leaning on his cane. "You don't think I can train you guys do you." He said.

"Well yes. How can a blind..." But before Hardcase could finish his sentence, Owen had him on the floor with the tip of his cane directly on his forehead.

"You were saying, Hardcase?" He said.

"That's amazing." Said Ahsoka.

"Well thank you." Said Owen.

"Oh did you do that?" I asked.

"I listened. I can tell who people are by there hard beat, breathing and where they are by the same things. I also can tell someone's personality by hearing there voice." He said getting off Hardcase.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes. I can tell that you are reckless, do stupid things and worry about the punishments later, if you could you would dive head first into an active volcano and you will do anything for a friend." He said.

"Wow! You got that right." Said Ahsoka laughing.

Else where... Śēḍōjha P.O.V

"Redblood, they are in the other dimension." I said.

"I know." He replied calmly.

"What do you plan on doing?" I asked.

"I plan on waiting, I need them to be fully trained for the next part of my plan." He replied.

"Yes sir. Should I call her?" He asked.

"Yes, that would be a good idea." He said. I nodded and left the room.

Redblood's P.O.V

I sighed slightly as I watched Śēḍōjha leave the room, I stood up once he left and went to a bookshelf and pulled a book out and the wall opened. I walked down the long hallway and then opened the door and walked down the flight of stairs. Then i came to a big metal door and slowly pushed it opened. I walked into the room and over to the body lying on the cold floor. I bent down by him and splashed cold water on his face. He didn't reply so I kicked him in the side. He opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at me with hate, he would have said something but I had a gag over his mouth.

"Now, don't look at me like that." I said with a curl smile spreading across my face. He just glared at me.

"I know your upset still but don't worry in a little bit I have a job for you, but for right now sit tight. And don't worry Ash your sister is OK........Nicholas Wolf." I said standing up and then I turned and left.

"Don't worry I'll check on you later." I said as I closed the door. Now just one more person to check on, I thought as I disappeared.

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