Cry baby. Horror fan! Reader

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Authors note: this is gender neutral. I have no gender specifics in here. Enjoy~
You had your childhood friend Tooru come over on the weekend. You asked him what he wanted to do and he being him, wanted to watch movies with your pick of genre. Being the person you are, you picked horror movies. You obviously asked Tooru if he was okay with it. You laughed at his reply. "Of course I am! If you ever get scared, you can just snuggle into me!" You didn't laugh because of his stupid face, you laughed because he thought you would get scared even though he knew you loved horror movies. It was now Saturday and you had got all the snacks ready for him to come over. You heard a knock on the door and you jumped up to answer it.
As you open the door there stand Tooru in his casual outfit. He wore a sheepish grin with a hand placed in the back of his hair. The other hand held a bag of snacks. You stepped aside to let him in.
"Good morning, Tooru." He handed the bag to you.
"Good morning, (F/N)-Chan." He hugged you tightly.
You closed the door behind him and you both made your way to the couch. As he plopped down you closed the curtains to block out the light. As the curtains were a success and replicated night, you then put on the movie. You went and sat down on the couch next to Tooru with blankets on the other side of you and the snacks on the floor. You reached down and got the snacks as the credits were on and spread out a blanket for you and Tooru to use.
"What movie are we watching?" Tooru was already eating the chips.
You are some too. "You'll see. Don't get scared now!" You looked to him and saw him pouting at you with puppy dog eyes. It was cute and you blushed. You quickly looked away.
You were half way through the movie when you felt Tooru jump next to you at the jump scare. You looked over to Tooru who covered his eyes with the blanket. You giggled.
"What are you doing? Are you scared?" You teased him.
"O-of course I'm not scared!" He then turned back to the screen to show his braveness but then immediately turned back to you and latched onto your arm. You felt something hot leak through your shirt. You looked to Tooru's face to see a couple of tears coming out. You sighed and wrapped your arm around him. He took this chance to snuggle closer to you. He jumped a bit at the rest of the movie but he wasn't as scared. You looked down at the end of the movie to see Tooru sleeping on you.  You softly smiled as you ran your hand through his hair. He shifted a little and then half smiled as he was still unconscious. You got up and placed him on the couch slowly and carefully to go change the movie. As you were about to walk away to change it there was a hand on your wrist. You looked around to see it was Tooru's.
"Where are you going?" His voice was deep and attractive. "Stay here with me."
You blushed a little. "I'm just going to change the movie, I'll be right back."
He left your arm go and you changed the movie. When you came back he sat up for you. You left your arm up for him to crawl underneath again but instead he pulled you to his chest and made you lay on him. He was comfortable and you could feel yourself drifting to sleep.
You woke up realised you were sleeping on someone. You looked up and remembered you fell asleep on Tooru. You slowly wriggled from him and went to the kitchen. You looked at the time to see it was already night time. You started to cook dinner for when Tooru woke up.
Half way through cooking you felt an arm around your waist. You didn't have to turn around to know who woke up.
He leant down and whispered in your ear, "What's cookin' good lookin'?" His voice was the same as the last time he woke up. Thick and arousing.
You ignored him and he let go. You continued cooking.
After you were finished you placed the food on the table. As you were eating, Oikawa continually complimented your cooking. After he was finished he took his dishes to the sink and sat back down to wait for you.
"You know, if you keep cooking like that, I could marry you one day!" You started choking.
"W-what? Tooru! Don't say stuff like that. We aren't even dating so that would never happen." You regained your usual manner.
"Well, go out with me then? I mean, you cooked for me and you protected me from the scary things!" You became shocked again.
"T-Tooru-" he cut you off.
"I'm being serious (F/N)." He didn't use Chan which meant he was serious.
"F-fine." Tooru ran to your side of the table and hugged you. This is how you and Tooru started dating.

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